Blogging behind beats-2009/2010.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Chocolate Souljahz

They fear the gashes the enemy of souls might inflict upon them let alone the weight of public opinion. Therefore, they would rather not rock Christian extremism. Consequently, they come out as acceptable, relevant, loving, sweet and not harsh in their doctrine and theology. They are celebrated and heralded even in the corridors of humanistic hodgepodge.

Their hearts once bled as they left the warmth of companionship and their blankets because in the greatest warfare, the world has ever known and for the greatest captain of time and eternity, they rose to pray and skip blankets for many nites.

They know nothing of sacrifice now; they are terrible enemies, of the cross. The word of God cannot come to them ‘cause it is like throwing precious pearls away. They do not give people what they need but what they want.
In a generation, of arrogant apostasy, where the ears itch for love melodies, their silver tongues seek the applause of men. They are phat on human applause but they quietly ‘stroke to death’.
They know nothing of ‘I will not defile myself with the King’s meat’, so, they comfortably sit at secular tables instead of at the table of grace.
They major in cosmetology and physical therapy-the designer shell that must ‘bling’, their reputation among ‘civilized’ folk, their acceptability, and predictability… They dread being misunderstood yet the master’s voice will always carry innuendos in a world that would rather not look His way-Holiness first and a must!

Therefore, they spice God’s word with human reason hence robbing it of its power, its bluntness and authority. They would rather not hurt/insult folk ‘cause their face must stay in place.
They would rather not sound extreme lest they are misunderstood as harsh, abusive, ‘holier than thou’ or pharisaic.
But like I always say, ‘we don’t do this for audition but for pleasure ‘cause our meat is to do our father’s will’.
I bin told, we have only one relevant audience!!. That is all that matters. Not everyone will understand us. He cannot be rejected (the holiest man) and we be accepted. The servant is not phatter than his master.

This is a trumpet call to all profet-souljahz. The preacher is heralded but the profet must be hounded and wounded. Faint not though. The times for world dominion-the dominion that was spoke for us in the beginning, to subdue and rule over all the earth are now. Nations are ours for the taking, the industry, the political arena, socio-economic platform, the intellectual flesh pots should be redeemed for the lord with a Holy ghost revolution ousting evolution to where it belongs- in a tomb. Agnostics should fall at the master’s feet with agony of soul that will not let go of them until they are re made by regeneration. There were giants in the church alas; we now have merchants hunting mice in church corridors. Nevertheless, the warriors have to rise at the sound of the trumpet because the clock sits still and the moon is held until…It is an hour of emergency. Chocolate souljahz will not do but prophets will. Men and women who hear the voice and obey and cry out and spare not-their voices raising those that sleep among the dead telling Israel of its sin and Jacob of its transgression. This is the clarion call.

U once heard the master’s voice and it was as incense but u done sleep among the dead for so long. U don’t feel the master’s convictions nor do u hear His voice. At that, yo words do not convict yo godless friends. Matter of fact, you have become voiceless; you cannot sing the Lord’s song in a strange land. Sit down, remember Zion, weep and return to yo father’s house. Your conscious message will not raise the dead. It is a pat on their backs. You lie prostrate on the dead but are unable to raise them up like Elijah of old because there is no power in you to deliver. You sold that inheritance for a plate of acceptance in the marketplace of compromise.

Come out from the dead and be ye separate. You do not belong there! Yo pen was meant to be a liberating tool but you now turn words into money instead of turning them into souls for Jesus.
You know nothing of sacrifice, even yo rite to privileges, counting everything as dung.

Ambition is the sparkle in yo eyes but to the master, it is as the eyes of the goat whose throat hath been cut deep with a sharp knife. U choose ambition over direction, so, u would rather be rich and celebrated as a TV personality and many others in that bracket.

The way of the cross u despise which yo master embraced that u might have life. Listen and see what shame the godly men of old bring upon us modern species so cold.

CT Studd, a famed English cricketer deserted the playing field for the battlefield of world evangelism.

David Brainerd lost his place at Yale University and offered his young body so that the Red Indians might know God. He died at a young age of 28 because of o praying and fasting, which made his health give way. He coughed blood at a certain stage in the event of his demise. However, wat he accomplished, the chocolate souljah will not dream of even wen granted the blessing of longevity form the man up yonder.

His rich father disowned Francis of Assisi because he preferred the ministry to his father’s business empire. At this, he took off all the clothes his father’s money had bought him and dashed for the bushes with these words. ‘From this day forward, I will say not my father on earth but my father who art in heaven’. St Francis chapels are named after this man with a volcano for a heart.

There were giants in the church.
Savonarola of Florence in Italy rejected the priest’s hat from the Vatican saying the only hat he’d gladly wear would be that of a martyr, signed in his own blood.

Chocolate souljahz, see how much we love our lives and yet we are told that he who loves his life will lose it and he who hates his will gain it. The one who loves mother, father, friends and companion more than God is not worthy of the kingdom. It is time for the chocolate souljah to rise and put on the armor of a warrior and live like a dying man to a dying world.

I will say this again. Despise what the world glamorizes- money, fame, social standing, intellectualism, human achievement, material possessions, and all these things that wont see the light of New Jerusalem.
With Grit and gumption, let us riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiise!

The church of God is calling, in duty be not slack; you cannot fight the good fight while lying on your back. We are slackers and as far as I can discern, at the judgment seat of Christ, there will be no medals for slackers.

May this find a resting place in the heart of the searching pilgrims. Affectionately in Christ. Amen!


The 27th Comrade said...

Maybe you actually deserve the `bin Laden' title, only being the Bible-waving version. Almost fanatical.

I am afraid I kind of slink off into the shadows once it gets to `prophet-souljahz'. By the way, I think that band, Souljahz, is suck a hot, hot potato.
Still, this stuff is a little way-up-there for me.

So I run off ...

Keitetsi said...

u know 27th comrade im learning to take the opposite stand to what u say because it never seems to go with my Bible. either that or i have the wrong version. anyway to be honest i also was thinking this is abit extreme but

12 afraid men who would rather have slinked to the shadows were called and chosen and learned that they actually would rather be strong and prophesy......

hope that makes sense i'm already a fan of this blog

Unknown said...

U SouljierMan, u sound one on his way to attend one's own funeral!!!! Wish u bigtime Blessings!!! See u in the resurrection!

Dennis Matanda said...


I am ready to give you my review on the CD - Levite Clan. In summary, I am completely upset with you for not actually going to find your own voice. Instead, what I have found is a frustrating show of incomprehensible lyrics and very bad Americans accents - which take away your excellent message.

Send me your email so that I can send these to you.

Again, I want to come down and re do the whole album for free. There are a few things that you could have done better and moved this album from being a run of the mill work of art to an amazing call and trumpet to the youth you are appealing to.

Lastly, I think this is what I wanted to say to you when we met for the first time. I wanted to tell you that you need to find your own voice first.

God is in you - and there is no doubt about that. But you need to find your own voice. And yes. You need some convictions of your own.

That's my say here. Your email?

Dennis Matanda said...

Sage, I think I found your email address. Is it I am going to send you something now.

SAGE said...

Yo D! That is mad justice. Well, thanks for reminding me. I cant be American enuff...atleast with the accent. Some Dj told me the same thing back in 2004...but,LOL, 4 me that dont fade me. Nam sayin?. This grafitti wall is dedicated to the S.A.G.E's of old. Leonard Ravenhill, AW Tozer. Men of Kindred spirit. Convictions of ma own? These guys proved to me that God transcends time wen wat they wrote found a resting place in my heart, soul and spirit. Wen Mary and Elizabeth met, John the Baptist(ctill in the womb of Elizabeth) kicked. Like he wanted to Shake hands with another man of kindred spirit(Jesus, ctil in Mary's womb). These convictions too transcend time and space and they done lodged in ma belly. Feel me?

The correct email is Hit me and thanks for desiring to learn from young guns!!! one.

Cheri said...

But u, all these vidoes....

Dennis D. Muhumuza said...

without disrespect to you dennis, your take on the levite clan CD is very unfair. i've listened to the music & it has blessed me and made me to reflect on my life like never before. some of my friends who have listened to it also agree, including most bloggers who have bought the CD. and i dont agree either that their accents are "very bad." in fact, of all ugandan hip-hop artists, i think LVC have the more genuine american accents. the bit i want to agree with u is that S.A.G.E sounds a bit like tupac & can do well finding his own true voice. but in the songs generally, the message is very well heard, and there is no way ur gonna convince me that their lyrics are obsecure or "incomprehensible" as u call it. c'on man, we must give credit where its due. my feelin is that u want to sound like a tour de force reviewer or a master at these things. we must credit the levites for their strong message. songs on the album such as 'Searching For Love' 'Ministry versus Industry' which carry the message of the peril of living in today's sinful world are impacting young people. a song like 'Trumpet Call' is about wrong influences and asks the youth to find their true destiny in christ who paid for their sins with his blood. in the song 'Ma All' these guys confess how they were 'thugs' and Jesus saved them. 'Hell on Earth' convicts many to do soul searching and change their ways for these are the last days. how can this frustrate u, dennis? is it the nimble blending of vocals, the accompanying instruments and the fact that the singers sing in retrospect about their ‘boy-boy’ days before they embraced salvation through Christ Jesus? c'on, these guys deserve the credit & if not for their music, at least for the fact that they dont live for hiphop but for Christ the Son of the living God!

SAGE said...

well spoken CB!

Pea said...

I do not know how I forgot to comment on this post. I must have been derailed by Dennis Matanda's comment. Really, S.A.G.E and CB, no disrespect at all but the CD really could use more work, production wise. If Dennis (a) is offering his services FREE (nze I never refuse free things so long as they don't make me compromise my stand), then just give him a chance and see if what he does will make a change.

The message in your CD is very convicting, and I am cringing as I write this but I really do agree - the accents are not exactly the best American ones, and by the way, why must they be American? Is that the way you guys speak? And isn't trying to sound American the same as trying to impress Americans and Africans alike, which boils down to forgetting your Audience?

I say pray about it and give Dennis (a) a chance. What he said, I felt, but was afraid to tell you for fear that I would hurt your feelings/dent your ego. But the truth of the matter is, this is not about you, it's about God.

Cringe! I really hope I have spoken the truth in love.

God bless.

PS: Remember that verse, about fools despising correction? No offense! It just came to my head. Prov 1:7, and Prov 15:5 says he that regardeth reproof is prudent.

Ask God if He is speaking to you through Dennis. Don't despise his advice just because it's not said from a pulpit or from an old-school S.A.G.E.

Pea said...


I actually meant to comment on the entry... Lol, got derailed..

It blessed! And I should always remember to stop forcing on the world... where I have no continuing city.

BlogVille Idol said...


Hey guys as you know the BLOGVILE IDOL CONTEST Would be kicking off on 11th JUNE 2007...Please help us make it a succes by participating..We already have our contestants(fellow bloggers)who would be singing in the voice comment player on the blogville idol page.We need you to listen to them and vote..Pls check our page (the Condition on entry) and see what is required for u voters to do and your voting dates,the voting poll would be up soon..Pls help us turn this to a success...and pls visit the page frequently...Tanx for ur support as we try to spice things