Seperating the holy from the HOLY
This is not an era in need of good men/women. Men that try to remix the gospel and make it acceptable and appealing.
This is an era for 'bad men'. Men that will not let up or shut up. Men that wont settle for the common but constantly pursue the uncommon-what the world brands as foolishness and extremism.
Men/women that would rather be cast away.
They follow in tjhe footsteps of Elijah who starved a whole nation for three years at the command of God whose repercussion must have awed even the most religious Jews that conservantly followed the logos. (Ravens and a heathen widow???)
John the Baptist had the audacity to call 'noble men' broods of vipers...yeah, Holy Spirit inspired audacity and HOLY indignation.
These are men that will not stop only at following the written word but will be driven by their consuming passion to obey the revealed word. Men otherworldly. Men that will not appeal or appease.
While Worldly men are trapped between doing good or bad, Godly men must rise from doing good to doing GOOD. Seperating the holy from the HOLY.
While worldly men swagger on the streets for good deeds (giving money to the poor-charity and orphanages, going to church every sunday, not touching the bottle or fornicating with sisters), the church must weep because the non believer man thinks himself better than some church folk and therein implies, 'Why do i need yo Jesus then?'
But brag not oh worldly man, for the lord sees yo vanity and yo self righteousness is like the smell of the under clothing of a woman in her Ps.
The Lord cries out to His peeps, 'Come out from among them (the worldlings) and be ye seperate.
Men of God who are nat Godly men misrepresent Jehovah. There is pomp in being a man of God and oblivion in being Godly coz you die everyday, you become less so that HE might be glorified see? might be glorified. See?
You can be a man of God or woman of God but still BURN!
In a generation of Humanistic appeal, God is calling His peeps to seperate the holy from the HOLY. God's perfect will must be held in high esteem and the permissive will looked at as elementary.
Godly men do not pursue girlfriends. No! They seek for wives.
We are not to choose friends for ourselves in Christendom, God should lead the way because herein lies the deception and recipe for eternal damnation or bliss and the fulfillment of our purpose in life.
Friends are like signposts to our destiny. Hell or heaven.
It aint enuff to be goodly, we must be godly in works, speech and character.
Seperating the holy from the HOLY and i have barely scratched the surface.
The word'MEN' hath been advertently chosen to represent both sexes by the writer.