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Saturday, June 16, 2007

TROUBLESMAKERS in the CHURCH by David Wilkerson

We need more troublemakers in the church! I pray that every
member of the body of Christ would become a troublemaker! We
need an army of troublemakers who have become so full of the
Holy Ghost they will stir up and trouble New York City and every
other city around the world; trouble their wicked institutions -
challenge the established dead churches - trouble the leaders,
the mayors, the city councils, the community leadership! In other
words, we need Holy Ghost troublemakers moving in the Spirit,
proclaiming the kingship of Christ so effectively that whole cities
are stirred!

Paul and Silas were two the world's biggest troublemakers! The
Bible speaks of "men that have risked their lives for the name of
our Lord Jesus Christ" (Acts 15:26, NAS). Paul, Barnabas, Silas,
and Timothy were such men, walking in the power of the Spirit.
As seen in Acts 16, when the Holy Ghost forbid them to speak
the Word in Asia, they obeyed. When they tried to go to Bithynia,
but the Spirit would not permit them, they went instead to Troas,
under the Spirit's direction. Paul then had a vision of a man
calling them to Macedonia, so they set out immediately to
Philippi, the chief city of Macedonia. When they arrived, a fortune
teller followed them about, crying, "...These men are the servants
of the most high God, which shew unto us the way of salvation"
(Acts 16:17). After enduring it for many days, Paul turned and
"...said to the spirit, I command thee in the name of Jesus Christ
to come out of her. And he came out the same hour" (Acts 16:18).
Suddenly the whole city was in an uproar: this fortune teller was
apparently a big tourist attraction, but now she was healed and
praising the Lord!

Paul had upset the status quo. He had challenged the devil who
had been having his way for years. The slave-owners of the
delivered woman then dragged Paul and Silas into the market-
place to stand trial before the city magistrates. The charge was,
"...These men... do exceedingly trouble our city" (Acts 16:20).
"And the multitude rose up together against them: and the
magistrates rent off their clothes, and commanded to beat them.
And when they had laid many stripes upon them, they cast them
into prison, and made their feet fast in the stocks" (Acts 16:22-24).
It looked as though Satan had won. The new converts must have
been stunned! But all the power of God is with Holy Ghost
troublemakers! "And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and
sang praises unto God... and suddenly there was a great earth-
quake, so that the foundations of the prison was shaken: and
immediately all the doors were opened, and every one's bands
were loosed" (Acts 16:25-26). The jailer, seeing what had
happened, even fell down before Paul and Silas, saying "...Sirs,
what must I do to be saved?" (Acts 16:30). Those city officials
and religious leaders went to bed thinking, "We did it to them!
That's the last we will hear of those vagabond troublemakers. We
really shut them up and scared them!" But what a commotion the
next day! I can imagine sergeants knocking on the doors of the
mayor, city council members, and the religio us leaders, telling
them, "Quick! Get down to city hall - we've got a big problem!"

In a state of shock, the officials probably responded, "What? An
earthquake? The prison doors opened? Their chains all fell off?
They didn't even try to escape? The jailer joined their faith?
They're Romans?!?" Now, they were really afraid. It was a crime
to beat Roman citizens (Paul and Silas were both Romans).
"What do you mean they won't budge from our jail? They demand
what? For us to come down and apologize and escort them out
of jail? " And they came... and brought them out... begging them
to leave the city" (Acts 16:39).

I love it! Here they were, not flaunting their spiritual authority, but
merely acting as ambassadors of King Jesus. As they had
witnessed Christ's power being mocked, Paul and Silas now
wanted that little riverside prayer group to see how God manifests
His power to those who stand up against the forces of hell. They
went directly to the house of Lydia - and what a meeting that
must have been! I would think Paul told that house group, "See!
The devil can rage, the powers that be may threaten - but God
has all the power! God will stand by you if you take a stand!"

I preach a great deal on prayer and I believe in the effectual,
fervent prayer of the righteous. But praying alone, praying by two's
and three's, or even in a large prayer meeting will not alone shake
a city! Elijah was a man of powerful prayer, but it was more than
his prayers that shook Ahab's kingdom and enraged Jezebel: He
called the false prophets to Mount Carmel and challenged them.
Jezebel had slain God's prophets and led Israel into apostasy
and the horrible idolatry of Baal worship - and no one had
challenged her! Seven thousand believers had not bowed, but they
were silent, unknown, and afraid. So along comes Elijah, the
troublemaker! Ahab called him "the troubler of Israel!" (1 Kings
18:17). Elijah ended up at the Brook Kishon with a sword in his
hand, slaying hundreds of Baal's false prophets "in the name of

Elijah was not a polite gentlemen with the devil and his crowd.
While "...they leaped upon the alter... Elijah mocked them
[derided them]" (1 Kings 18:26-27).

The church of late has cowered before the powers of darkness
due to the lack of holiness, for the Scripture tells us, "...The
righteous are bold as a lion" (Proverbs 28:1). Some will say, "But
Jesus was meek - He never opened His mouth or resisted when
they took Him to be crucified!" But that was because the hour
of darkness had come, the hour He was to be given into the hands
of the enemy. He was not silent in the temple when driving out
the money-changers. He was not silent when calling religious
leaders serpents - blind guides - whited sepulchers - a brood of
vipers (see Matthew 23). He even told some boldly that Satan
was their father!

Many churches today are full of silent, gentlemanly diplomats,
not wanting to make waves! Nobody wants trouble! So the devil's
kingdom goes unchallenged. We have more than enough smiling,
mousy Christians!......


Thursday, June 14, 2007

2 B or nat 2 b!

Bona Bagagawale! And i aint bout 2 be converted to politics.
I like to give peeps i aint agree with much, a benefit of the doubt. I know you aint no beta cook than ma Mams but amma accept the invitation to have lunch prepared by you.

Show people the strength of ya faith by listening to them. It wont hurtcha if the Lord is ya rock.

I was at Namboole. Yea! Had a rolex and fasted after biting it to death. That was ma breakfast and lunch. A bit of ma crazy world but am aiight.


Am one that would lovingly embrace poverty if its God's calling for me.

Even if i was stinkin rich, i wud take a bus on a date or forego the Humvee cos i love simplicity like ladies love shopping sprees.

I like hangin out in the cloud of the unknown. Stay back stage...have a problem bein in the spotlight. Probably why i aint down with mad publicity.

I prefer bein a missionary to Brazil or some village in the UK...explains why i aint gona be no rapper 4 eternity.

Prefer:Tents to mansions,Mats to beds(Ask ma big sis!)

Dont really like hangin at Cineplex-Garden City(even if its the inthing)

I dont like irish potats but i dig french fries(mite have bin a result of ma mams and ma paps spoilin me as a lil kid)

Am krazy bout corns with rows but i think am bout to be like Elisha anyway!(bald in like a yea)

I hate secular education but i gotta pay ma dues to ma Mams and Ceaser.(but Ceaser gat beef with me dawg!)

Yo! wat i was tryna say is; I LIKE ME A SIMPLE LIFE!

Prosperity hath bin ma Cinderella(most unloved woman) from way back cos ma understanding of it was twisted(thot she was a hooe).Them 'prosperity preachaz' i listened to was 'materialism preachaz.' I RAN AT THEIR ECHO!

The man with a dollar for a name jus blew me away las nite but ctill, the bottom line is this:WATS GOD'S WILL 4 ME AS TUMUKUNDE aka Renee emcee of LVC?

Its aiight to prosper BUT an unregenerate man with a phat bank account is one who hath bin ensnared by money and is about to discover its a dead womb and a tomb!(un able to bring human happiness to fruition or buy the joy of the lord)

Money in itself is insufficient in defining prosperity. Prosperity that dont don yo soul, spirit and body aint prosperity at all.

You can be loadus with alooooot of money but you are jus another pig with bling if u dont gat J master J(Jesus) as lord and savior of ya life.

Prosperity hath to be preached(Prophetically)cas poverty is a mentality in yo nut, like that stubborn strand of meat lodged btn ya teath.

The world brags of materialism. For us church folk, God gives us, not to hoard but to bless. This is where the sheep and the goats are seperated.

Muller of them Orphanages once said, the secret of receiving is giving. And u aint tryna let yo butt know it wen u give. Aiight?

Love the Lord with all thine heart and yo neighbour...This is the foundation to all the laws even the laws of prosperity.

I was there, i saw and i bin set free.

'Katwale katwale! Katonda aja kukuwa Omukazi ne visa!'
I jus learnt that dont work. U gotta find some to do cos God blesses the works of yo hands. This aint no 'lay back, mix ya juice with ya figa and God will bless u' prosperity Gospel.Nah! U gotta be deligent, u gotta save and u gotta do some, u gotta live within ya means.Dont get trapped in debt. Aiight?

At the end of the day, it is;'God wat do u gat for me. WATS YO PERFECT WILL FOR MY LIFE?'

The peril of this is that many unbriddled will dash in with thier heads not their hearts. And we mite see Christain Oprah wanna be's and every body wanting to own a private jet! Yet God also wants to have Him some Mother Theresa's, John the Baptist's, Elijah's, Apostle Paul's(Possesing nothing but owning everything).

Tru prosperity however begins with accepting Jesus the son of God as yo personal Lord and savior. If the wealth of this land was predominantly in the hands of wo/men that submit to the Lord, Uganda would be the America of Africa or the manifest Pearl of Africa.

If ya stingy and hold on to ya money, you dont have it. IT HATH U! The love of money begins with not sharing it with those that dont gat like u gat. U is a captive but u can take that money captive by captivating others with it. Bless othaz by sharing!


Monday, June 11, 2007


"I have made a covenant with ma eyes not to look at a woman lustfully!"

Cleavage here, cleavage there. Yo! will this lil hommie keep his covenant?
The species are bamboozled, young gunz explode at them hyptotising sights.

Do u see they eyes? they done crossed!

Optic nutrition at them beaches they say is good to relax they minds.
But wen the nite come, he wanna get hisself a prostitute.

On the streets, gals flash like photography, supercedin they mama Eve with their nakedness.

How about that idol chilluxing on the corner of ya livin room?
Move ya body like a snake now shuts ya ear drums, catches you lickin thy lips and ya eyes wana pop out, ya palms are sweeatin?

Is it ok for me to touch ma gal?
How about a kiss of peeeace?

Aiight! It is the fashionate thing. Them G strings. And the death merchants dont even give a hoot flaunting it on they sunday magazine jus for the sells.
With all thy gettin bra, gain the world. Its a capitalist world baby. U bling and bang our nuts to the hellish realm. Blood on ya hands dawg!

This is wat sells. Over sexism. Carry them sexual innuendos, but if u have Jesus, abstinence, purity, holiness up in every line, u cant get no record deal.

Ladies! u gotta be sexy in ya appeal. Its aiight if u cant dress to kill, jus dress to appeal.
Yo! dat dont even sound right!

U go for an audition. U wana dance in ma video? u gotta be beautiful. See, their definition of beauty is twisted. Jus show some thigh and u iz on, u iz on.Feel me?

Can lil hommie keep his covenant in these crazyandalous times. The plague. Gotta buy hisself some spiritual guggles. See only that which is pure and acceptable.

But u is in the world dawg? Yea, but that dont mean amma be mesmerised by them covenant haterz dawg! I can be holy unto the lord, seperate and sanctified, renewing ma mind thru His word constantly.

QN:How can a young man stay pure????
ANS:Bury hisself in the holy word of God. And meditate on the holy things there in.(Seellin ya TV wont do)

Problem is, u cant keep the covenant if u hobnob with TV 24/7, storm rock nite at Mateos, visit them Kimansulo flesh pots. Its aiight to watch TV but it aint AIIGHT! Feel me?

If i was president, i wud not beef with ma political beefers, i wud beef with them covenant haters. Impose a tax that they will spend their whole life tryna raise. Nam sayin? For the sakes of them weak brothaz.

BOTTOM LINE: Da battle belongs 2 Da Lord! O yea. Lil hommie can keep da covenant.

"I have made a covenat with ma eyes not to look at a woman lustfully."