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Saturday, July 7, 2007

Can A Nation B Born Again???(Part one)

Its bin said that revival always precedes judgement like the darkness precedes the dawn.
Now, who wants to pray for revival? Yet, in this our darkest midnite when men blaspheme the name of our Lord and the fear of the Lord is a bygone word, it is imperative that we pray to God to send the rain of revival.

While the secular press is busy turning words into money in a deceptive alliance with telecommunication companies, flaunting how men in the church hunt mice in the form of 'sowin seed', many years ago, when the Lord chose Wales, the least of the principalities of the British Isles, Secular Tabloids were covered from page to page with news on the revival.
The Welsh revival was infact the spark for the Azusa street revival from the little Azusa street mission in Los Angeles. And one way the sparks from this revival flew was thru written accounts of the revival that got in the hands of three black pastors from Azusa whose hearts burned in them to seek the Lord for Revival. May this spark a fire in our hearts for revival in our hearts and lands.

One account goes like this;
Before the revival, there had been almost a plague of drunkenness and gambling. During the revival, taverns were either closed or turned into meeting halls. Instead of wasting thier earnings on drinking and gambling, workers started taking their wages home to their families.

I heard these words once in my sleep;
"The evidence of revival will not be realised until the situation is taken outta our hands"
To me, this means that no man can promote,run or organise a revival. When it comes to revivals, God is sovereign. Thats why, when they was lookin for a souljah in army fatigues, God sent the savior thru a manger(in biblical times, a stable was the most offensive place), born in the most despised Country-IZRAEL and was raised in the most despised town-Nazareth! Only revelation not reason seperated the boys from the men, the gals from women concerning who Jesus was.

In the 'bleakest' moments, God will show up, offend the minds of people when men have long stopped running His business.

Now, revival is not mass crusades or mass evangelism although during revivals, mass evangelism is usually a hallmark. When the bones rattled in the valley of dry bones(Ezekiel 37), there was still no life. So, rattle should never be mistaken for revival.Smoke is not fire, action is not unction, reformation is not transformation...

One SAGE of old said that revival is when God moves in a city/village/nation and the fear of God so grips that locality that people who before never had any religious inclinations begin to seek God. The fear of God in this case is synonymous with having deep anti-sin sentiments.No one wants to flow or condone sin even when some picture it as a cool thing or a blueprint to money making.

The following is yet another account from the Welsh Revival:

The famous Welsh singing festivals(Ebigunda Byomwaka) which had been so popular closed down during the revival because their famous vocalists, such as the "Sankeys" and "Alexanders" were now singing hymns in the revival meetings. The theaters and football stadiums like wise closed down for lack of interest. Political meetings were canceled or abandoned. Many of the elected officials, even those from London, abandoned their seats in Parliament to participate in the revival meetings. Businesses founded upon honorable trades and products prospered. Those that traded on vice went out of business. Possibly never before in history has an entire society been so profoundly transformed by a spiritual revival in such a short time

Its bin said that the effects of the revival on the nation of Wales are remarkable in all of history. The first and the second Great awakenings undoubtedly changed the genetic codes of Britain and America, but history simply reveals no other examples where changes in society equaled what happened in Wales.

Like Gideon we simply live with a history book on the accounts of what the lord did in our fathers' times (Google the East African Revival that dubbed East Africa as Africa's Azusa Street) but the Lord commands His mighty warriors to arise and shake their nations for His name's sake. In a generation of boastful sinfulness, where young men and women drink iniquity like water and depart from the way of the Lord to follow the poular creeds of the modernistic and humanistic hodge podge-'with all thy getting bra,get thee money even if it costs u yo soul. U will repent later'

So, we have counterfeit churches in the name of Bars where the bartender is the Pastor, girls dressed to appeal are ushers and after a drink peeps speak in tongues.

Young girls serve at these alters as the devil's worship teams( Obsession, Kombat, Blu3...) They usher in the devil spirit, then men, instead of going home to be with they wives and kids, they walk to Speke to get some human thighs not chicken thighs cos they are angry(with God like the devil their father) not hungry like kids in Somalia.

Ok! you modernists and humanists (the vampires of modern times) are probably arguing out something for the sake of the economy and development, both personal and national. Yes, but we want our folks to get to heaven even if it takes an amputation dawg! Why should we stroke to hell cos we is phat on ice cream and junk from Miss Uganda berbecue??

We have probably spent half of our lives tryna be cool so that all you cool peeps can join our social clubs(Churches). But our coolness hath trampled on our spirtuality and the devil hath gotten phat on yo soul in the process. Our bad! May God not count the soulks of those we have already lost in our foolish and vain preoccupation.

Many a Pastor hath 'led a soul to christ' at gun point with no Holy Ghost conviction at all. But this revival that that makes ma palms sweat, thinkin of the souls we gonna harvest will not get Juliana volunteer for the lord, Noooooooo! She will give her heart, her Ouma, her lungs and Kidneys for the cause of christ the Son of the most High God and her Soul will be better than her designer shell. If you do not get in too, u will only fly faster than than Airforce One banging her old songs on yo way to hell dawg with visions of her once open navel dawg. So, be there for the lord or be square!

As for the lady's wine now turned president, there wont be no Kiwani if he dont return to the Lord, its gonna be real. Death spiritual already dons the bra but even those that sleep among the dead can listen to the voice of God cos it aint no echoe(Ask Lazarus dawg). But once death physical takes u on a rollercoaster down town, u can only pray amiss to Abraham like the man that learnt to pray sooo late and prayed sooo wrong( to Abraham) in hell forv relief from his agony.

Ah! but the Love of the lord redeems from a place far beyond the grave. Uganda and the nations of the world are candidates for revival because they have fallen soooo much into idolatry. May God open his book of remembrance and let His face shine on us in this generation.

Reflections from the Welsh Revival:The World Aflame: Guidance from the greatest revival yet and the greater one to come
By Rick Joyner