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Monday, August 13, 2007

"Free Him, He is an Idiot"

In Mainland China, a sword was put to the chest of a Christian.
He was asked, "Are you a Christian?"
He answered "Yes."
He would have been killed if an officer had not said, "Free him; he is an idiot."

Someone later asked him later, "How could you confess Christ with such courage?"
He replied, "I had read the story of Peter's denial of Jesus, and i did not wish to weep bitterly."

Here is a true message:
"If we died with Christ, we will live with Him. If we dont give up, we will rule with Him. If we deny that we know Him, He will deny that He knows us. If we are not faithful, He will still be faithful. Christ cannot deny who He is."
Paul the Apostle
Martyred in Rome, 65AD
(2 Timothy 2:11-13 CEV)

From Jesus Freaks
A book by DC Talk and The Voice of The Martyrs