Is there anyone who is a devout lover of God? Let them enjoy this beautiful bright festival!
Despising wickedness and glorifying Godliness.
Posted by
7:56 PM
The "fear Of Man" is no secret and an increasingly relevant issue that must be addressed as the days ahead unfold. Many within the church body are in the grip of this paralyzing mindset.
Those called and commissioned within the prophetic umbrella cannot possibly be God's messenger and mouthpiece and yet, fear man.
It becomes increasingly more frustrating to move in obedience to the Lord's voice if there is a tendency to withdraw out of anxiety or a fear of another's opinion or response.
I am sure that many (like me) have prayed for the Lord to "use me, write through me, and speak through me." If you have prayed this prayer, then be certain that the Lord will begin dealing with elements of the fear of man in our lives. (It is essential that we understand the impact of this work in our lives as a prophetic people to fulfill the mandate in our time of destiny).
Many out of pride may already be rejecting this word in their lives. However, we are all guilty to one degree or another and this refining work will enable the fullness of prophetic ministry to flow in and through our lives to others in a practical -- everyday way of life in producing fruit that remains.
I have read that we are afraid or fear others because we are too in love with ourselves. I wholeheartedly agree with this statement and many times we don't even realize it. When the Lord deals with the love of ourselves -- He simultaneously addresses the fear of man. Simply put, the fear of man is but a symptom of self (ish) love. Overcoming our love and protection of self is certainly an important key to our prophetic destiny.Our "love" for affirmation and the acceptance of others can be a hinderance of our prophetic impact.
The longing for others to "understand our heart" and to comprehend our words and actions can be a bondage to our kingdom liberty. Far to many are stagnated in the mire of the fear of being misunderstood or misinterpreted. Our love and desire that others embrace our words can easily taint and water down the truth that may change lives. The anointing upon a message is not graded on a curve and there must be greater accuracy beginning to arise upon our voices. The words of the kingdom today must be shared with the purity of fearlessness and the confident assurance of the word being from the Lord.
If we choose to speak or write a word that we declare to be from the Lord but are eaten up with man's approval -- the word will be tainted with wordy additions of the flesh and emotion rather than Holy Spirit. We must be content with the approval of the Lord in obedience to His voice and the exercising of wisdom of when and when not to speak. (The learning of this "wisdom" has been very painful at many seasons in my own life).
On the other hand, Jesus was many times misunderstood and His words were rejected. However, He never justified Himself for the sake of approval and theadmonishment of others. We can be content that if the words we speak are from the Lord -- Those who reject it, do not reject us, but the Lord.
To overcome our fear of man, we must be willing and expect to be misunderstood and unappreciated. Only then, will we have the kingdom liberty and anointing to partner with Christ in changing the world around us. Not only that, but without recoginizing the neccessity of dealing with rejection...We will not prophetically mature.The fear of acceptance and the longing for a title of validation will likewise render our words in a polluted state.
The conflict of interest is obvious in that those who give titles cannot be offended or challenged by those who seek the title of validation from their hand. (Simply put, we don't bite the hand that feeds our desires and needs -- both good and not so good). Even friendships and forums such as this may find the fear of man hindering our genuine spiritual growth. We must admit that the tone and intensity of many words we speak are predicated on the desire of another's feelings about us.
We need to speak soft when the Lord directs and we need to speak firmly when the Lord directs. Again, we must be obedient to the Lord within our calling and not a slave to the feelings and fear of man.Certainly, it is the love of self and our desire to protect the sacred cows of our pride and presentations that stunt our spiritual growth.
I have stated in the past that pastors will continually have a difficult time in bringing a clear, lasting, and life-changing ministry to fruition if they rely upon the finances and recognition of those whom they preach to. Again, a definite conflict of interest arises that creates a religious line that must not be crossed without offending and thus, cutting off the money and support of one's ministry.
Do many of today's "leaders" fear man more than God? In overcoming the fear of man, we must not look to man for our ministerial support and approval...But to the One who graced us with it.Abraham rejected the gifts of the King of Sodom, and afterwards the Lord said to him, "Fear not, for I AM your exceeding great reward." Since the Lord is our Provider as well as our Provision, we must look to Him alone.
We do not look to gain "seed"supporters, "seed" partners, "seed" pledges, weekly tithes, and weekly offerings. We look to the Lord to anoint and empower our prophetic commission through a life of the giving of ourselves.
This does not mean that other people will not bless us. Yes, the Lord will use others to richly bless us and He delights in this.The point is the position and understanding of the fear of man and the effect that it has had upon the church.
It has crippled our supernatural ability and made us a laughing stock to the discerning folks of everyday life. We have become a caricature of the church that Christ left us because we have created a system built upon the fear of man for both spiritual validation and promotion.
Posted by
10:18 PM
Encouragement to da faint hearted.
Posted by
9:25 PM
Ask me 4 da nations...
LUKE 1v37
People are feeling it, smelling it, tasting it, !! The wall has been built and the barriers are high! but on the horizon there is a breakthrough, there is a revival which is going to flood this nation! No wall is too big to smash, no barriers too big to crumble, nothing can stand in the way of the MIGHTY JESUS CHRIST!
He is the most famous, most talked about, most loved yet most mocked. The bible, a book written about him is translated in 2,200 languages! There is one sold every second of every minute over the last 2 centuries. It has sold more than Harry potter, the Da vinci code and Lord of the rings put together! It is the most stolen book, the most smuggled book, the most talked about book. People have died trying to get one, people have died holding on to one. People say that they would build their whole life on it! why??? Because this book is the life of Jesus and the life of Jesus is a message of Grace and Love and Grace and Love are the ingredients which are going to smash down the walls! what does Like 1 v 37 say??
FOR NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by
7:24 PM
Get ready-The writer is a youth Pastor of Barton Evangelical Church in Canterbury
The Grammy from Hell!
I had planned to boycott the megamix awards but my faint heart failed me. I dont want to hurt folks.
Ma rap band was 'flaunting skills' under the hip hop category but we didnt even vote for ourselves cos we dont believe in 'grammy awards' in Church.
The essence of christianity is selfless love. It was expressed by Jesus' redemptive love on the cross and has been expressed again and again since in every artless deed of kindness done by His followers for each other and for a suffering world.
The essence of competition is self love. Men compete to gain something for themselves, and in doing so, they must of necessity cause someone else to lose wat they gain. From this, wqe gather that the two spirits are opposed to each other. We cannot be selfish and selfless at the same time. Nothing spiritual can be gained from competition.
We should not encourage ambition but seeking God's will in every matter. If Chameleon is making millions, idont fret. Ma father owns cattle on a thousand hills.
to be continued...
Posted by
7:11 PM
Holy hip hop? I thot i was done pimpin 4 hip hop. I call it the Cinderella of this world-THE MOST UNLOVED WOMAN.
I even cut off ma cornrows cos i dont want to major in minors no more. Whether hip hop is a fallen culture or from Hell, the bottom line always remains dat God came to save a lost and fallen world thru Jesus, cultures inclusive.
To me a holy hip hopper is one who still identifies with the positive elements of the culture like slang, fashion, grafitti and b-bouying but submits them to the Lordship of Jesus. Like i rock slang but i aint vulgar cas am done with the F' word...and the like.( I was havin beef with one blogger cos she done changed especially with her choice of diction). I dont need to be vulgar to sound cool. I love fashion but i aint the kinda brother dat will spot ma baggies and flash ma draws too. Nam sayn?
I mean it aint the culture that is intrinsically evil but its the corrupt hearts of its patrons. U cant listen to 50 cent without getting offended if u r well groomed.
Holy hip hop is an oxymoron to many 'high' folks but thats where the testimony lies. If i call myself a holy man, i hope u aint gonna beef with that. We was born in sin(from Adam fall) and his story describes the fall of man after sin. God came to an unholy world(the 2nd Adam), found unholy men and made them holy thru the blood. Now we can brag and say we r holy if we r set apart for God, sanctified and submit totally to the Lordship of Jesus.
If God can use a horse to speak, He sure can use hip hop for His Glory. The devil has been the undisputed king for long in this culture but its time we dispute him with grit and grumption. Our weapons aint against flesh and blood but principalities.
Posted by
7:02 PM
They say, 'Times have changed, we gotta move with the times'.
Do not let them woo you. God is bigger than time cos He created it. He is eternal.
Hey! Times aint even changed but man( male and female) has changed. We fold our arms as iniquity walks on our blocks with a swagger and folks fly to Hell faster than airforce one but still have da audacity to yap dat we crazy for the lord. The Jehovah witnesses (with no unction but action) flank our doorsteps making hell phat infinite than phat Albert.
The sin of passivity and complacency besets us. We walk in the cold with our boos but cant go for overnites and we say we was born in a womb not a tomb. Our once enigmatic and powerful movement has become a monument. We are like a spectacle for tourists( New and false religions).
We have organisers not agonisers in church corridors, payers not pray-ers and fashion not passion. 'A form of godliness that denies the power'
We are more worldly than the world. Pastors are no longer co Laborers but competitors. The gospel is sold not told ( 'Sow a seed!')
God's voice does not go with us anymore. His voice is behind calling us back!!!
Posted by
10:55 AM
God always offends the mind to reveal the heart. Can u imagine that He even had the audacity to tell Abraham to go sacrifice his own son?
In a day where being good and cultured has become a religion, modern day Abrahams can be sooo rare to find. But this is the fame that we aint been told about. We know about Jada Smith Pinkett, Bill Gates, Diddy, Beyonce, Brad Pitt, and Prison Break. We aint heard of the profets of old. Men like Elijah who locked heaven, pocketed the key and aking was on his knees because there was no rain for three years. Men that knew the heart beat of God. Men that death could not intimidate or governments incacerate.
The list is eternal even in contemporary times. The chronicles of the things of God honour Charles Finney who walked in cities and his presence melted hearts to repent. Voices not echoes!!. David Brainerd who lost his place at Yale University because of an unnecessary comment about a lecturer but found his position in God among the red Indians. He died in his twenties because he prayed and fasted for revival and this had an effect on his health. Robert Evans of wales shunned theatre and football matches to listen to the sage's of his time and God used him in revival.
Back to my title. Sodom had no bible and they perished. We have a bible!!! I guess perishing will be an understatement. We try to throw prayer out of schools and when you open yo mouth against homosexuality, you might go to jail for...???,,,.
God is calling for soujahs against militant Godlessness in this generation. Men who will defy kings and shut the mouth of lions. Atleast we do have a bible.( Watch out for part two)
Posted by
10:25 AM