In da Event of my demise.
Death is sweet when the lord walks you through it.It becomes our everyday experience if the Lord chooses us to be the wombs FOR THE DESTINIES OF NATIONS.
Many are called but few are chosen. U can have a calling in yo belly but if you depart from the event of dying daily And instead love the world and yo life that u can pay not to lose it, then a calling miscarriage is inevitable.
We live paradoxical lives as fallen men.
Because we have not learnt to embrace death. This way cannot be grasped by reason. It is grasped by revelation. It is grasped by knowing the way of the lord and the lord of the way. That true destiny is in Him alone.
Everything cannot be counted as dung if the glory of the lord aint a revelation but a head knowledge thing.
The way of Beckham, 'Blessed' with good looks and a celebrity wife will never be appealing to a man that dates the cross everyday. This way is dim and soo despised by the man with the bling-bang of the cross becos he sees a oneway ticket to blissful damnation. Yet the way of the master too offers one ticket...'He who puts his hand to the plough must nat look back'.But the destiny of Christ avenue is a good end. ' I know the plans i have for you...2 give you a gud end"Am constantly reminded of the profet who received an explicit command from the lord not to return the same way he had come. He was not to even eat with the king or anyone else for that matter. An older profet profelies to him and this profet goes with him to his home and dines. Once he is full with this meat and drink, he forgets and returns the same way he had come and a lion tears him up.
Once the lord delivers us from our folly, we are not to return to those things. In this our walk with the lord, the world and the flesh beckon. When we flirt with the world abit, we rise up full of the world's meat and drink and are found in a perfect state by the devil to disobey our lord Jesus. Like the prophet in question, we walk back into the things that have been waiting to destroy our very blood purchased lives.
I woke up btn 2;30 and 3am this morning to walk in Ezekiel 33. The lord impresses his watchmen to stand watch. God forbid that we fall into suchj foly-that instead of watching for his people, the devil watches us stumbling into our death traps. But it hath turned out that am in on watch for a very dear souljah. And this aint no shout from this grafitti wall, it is my love letter to her.
In the event of my demise, when i give up the ghost of all my hopes and dreams,
Death is bitter sweet but the sweet supercedes the bitter becos this death aint no period, its a open door to living life completely. Our light distresses are but for a moment and the glory they work for us, cannot be compared to the bling of hip hop cos this glory is eternal.
In the event of my demise, when i give up the ghost of marrying a diva like Beyonce, paradventure the lord wont let me surrender to the dogs, the souljah that i have grown to sooo passionately love in a space of three months with all her imperfections.
This is probably the best love letter i have written to you cos i wrote it as i read aloud in the hearing of the public! This tep of transparency is probably my strength and vindication in the event of my demise as we grow in one love, one faith, one God, one spirit.
Yours truly,
Fellow souljah in the same struggle against the flesh, the world and the devil.
this surely comes in as a slide show to most who have been blinded into believing death is a bad thing. death has never been bad. death comes as a relief. an escape from this dirty, unruly earth. as one prepares to go to office each passing dawn so should (s)he for death. because you never know when it will claim your spirit. be ready at all the time, be the mantra. remember when we watched that creflo dollar telecast and he asked this young hip-hop artist where he would go if he died, and with compelling candidness the "G" said hell. later he accepted jesus, and shortly after dollar asked again where he would go and he replied with such conviction heaven!! that's it. let jesus be your master, and work at obeying your master and death should be then such a scary thing. there are days when jesus filled me with such contentment, and happiness that i asked him to take me home. nowadays i miss those days; we are human, we have our own frailities but the good news is that the man upstairs is sufficiently patient and always guides and opens an escape route. i know i've my own foibres but in the event of my demise i'll shy in confessing that the devil will not be near to claim my soul.
there is where i say "...death should be a scary thing..." i meant DEATH SHOULD NOT BE A SCARY THING.
and in the third last line i say then i say "...i'll shy in confessing..." instead of "i'll not shy..."
Ah. So SAGE has been looking at a girl all along ... no wonder there was all this lovey-dovey talk all along.
In the event of your demise? Me, I'm immortal. :o)
Am so touched. Yap, many people are afraid to die yet God is so kind and has given us an opportunity to decide where we want to go. Isn't it so funny that we are all aware that one day we shall die and we feel nothing about it? God is too patient with us that even when we denounce HIM, HE is willing to take us back! I mean it is obvious that HIS love is immeasurable.
for me, death would sorta be a relief from all the struggles I face as a man against the world
hence the term:
rest in peace...
seems better than:
livin in agony
but am not complaining
I'll survive
great post
am bout to add you to my link
for some spiritual cleansing
when life ills
death is one thing i would rather not think about.It beats me the purpose of life if it has to end some indefinate time.
So Interesting..Well expressed I must add..
@ All Y'all:
Thank you 4 visiting S.A.G.E church.
Didnt know ma sermonette was gona carry some innuendos. U guys either followed the pace set by the first commentor(CB)or y'all attached a secondary meaning to wat i was tryna communicate.
Jesus said that those that follow me must carry they crosses daily in their walk with me. He was talkin of us denying ourselves 4 His sakes, even our legit rights and priviledges, socially, emotionally and even our very breath...succumbing to physical death jus for His sake.
In the event of my demise is a microcosmic representation of the heart of the warriors that lose their lives(not necessarily physically) but so much socially and emotionally that they might win christ. Feel me?
Good is usually the enemy of best and this hath almost become a cliche at S.A.G.E church but lemme break it down.
Like u have the rite to walk in a bar and get u a wifee...or cruise yo father's hammer to the miss Uganda Pageant and get u a beautiful lass cos yo pedigree speaks for you but u aint rolling with that cos God hath someone better for you(A prudent wife is from da Lord)
You have a CV that can get you a decent job with any company with a 6 figa salary but u shun all that for God's perfect will that dont even bling-like going all the way to be a missionary in a remote place that dont e3ven have ATM machines. U dig?
Ok! This is what we face in the event of our demise. We die daily. We give up the ghost of all our dreams, ambitions and hopes and seek God's guidance and direction for wat our purpose here on earth is.
St. Francis of Assisi on receiving and accepting a call from the Lord, was threatened to be denounced by the father if he gave up working in his multi million dollar business. At this, the lad tore off the blinging clothes his father's money had bought him and hollered;
"From this day, i will say my father who art in heaven".
He dashed to the bushes naked and was only found and clothed by Godly people of his time.
We now have St Francis Churches that are named after this man who had a volcano for a heart.
Now u guys have compelled me to preach another sermonette hear.
Death embraced as a way of escape from our tribulation here on earth is called cowardly escapism. It is so elementary to think like that. U can as well buy you some poison and commit suicide-Hell will be waiting for you with mouth wide open cos heaven aint no place for cowards. U dig?
For me to live is Christ(ctill stayin to do mighty exploits for God's kingdom) and to die is gain(To go and be with my father in heaven.
You cant even have the guts to match death unless you are clothed with the spirit that raised Jesus from the dead. The spirit of God...and verily verily, i say unto you...u gosta be born again to have ressurection power abiding on the inside of you. Feel me?(John 3;3). Herein lieth our immortality as mortal men. So, wen we die physically, thats a coma, cos we be as those that sleep, about to rise from their slumber.
In the event of my demise, Lord grace me to continually die to the things of this world. Alot me my portion even tho it mite turn out so insignificant to many and let me walk faithfully. Amen!
S.a.g.e... hi. I just tagged you. Check out my blog.
hi sage i tagged you, check my blog
Felt a spirit of layin down one's life 4 JC n the Brethren da whol of Yestde n cdnt help bt mail it indiscriminate! Theen this blog, wen i checked, perfectly defined Death!!! Now listen to this, u wa on that mountain covered by the 'GLORY' 4 3months jst 2 days ago!!!!! Its Gonna be ABSOLUTE DEATH DEAR, bt remember, HE DESPISED THE SHAME OF THE CROSS COZ OF THE EXCEEDING 'GLORY' HE SAW AHEAD!!!!!!
Every one on this plnanet fear death, even you Mangwana you fear it.. please be sincere. Even the POPE fears death.Even Jesus upon his death he cried saying " God why are you leaving me alone" yet he knew that he was going direct to heaven..What of me who is not sure weather I will go to hell or Heaven.Should i not fear Death? Was of all is grief that death leaves behind thats why every one should fear death because you have to affect others interms of grief.The worst thing about grief is the length of time during which the experience lasts. For the first weeks one is in a state of shock. But the agony lasts long after the state of shock comes to an end. After a year, or about two, the agony gives way to a dull ache, a sort of void. During the night in one’s dreams, and in the morning when one wakes, one is vaguely aware that something is wrong and, when waking is complete, one knows exactly what it is.S.A.G you get that reason and start to fear death please.
Thats mind blowing and we aint spoken since beginning of week. Would love it if u gave me some mooo, not as in a glass...Some solace on this quiet road i tread.
am taking it in
well as much as i can
keep me updated dude
am out
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