Blogging behind beats-2009/2010.

Monday, June 11, 2007


"I have made a covenant with ma eyes not to look at a woman lustfully!"

Cleavage here, cleavage there. Yo! will this lil hommie keep his covenant?
The species are bamboozled, young gunz explode at them hyptotising sights.

Do u see they eyes? they done crossed!

Optic nutrition at them beaches they say is good to relax they minds.
But wen the nite come, he wanna get hisself a prostitute.

On the streets, gals flash like photography, supercedin they mama Eve with their nakedness.

How about that idol chilluxing on the corner of ya livin room?
Move ya body like a snake now shuts ya ear drums, catches you lickin thy lips and ya eyes wana pop out, ya palms are sweeatin?

Is it ok for me to touch ma gal?
How about a kiss of peeeace?

Aiight! It is the fashionate thing. Them G strings. And the death merchants dont even give a hoot flaunting it on they sunday magazine jus for the sells.
With all thy gettin bra, gain the world. Its a capitalist world baby. U bling and bang our nuts to the hellish realm. Blood on ya hands dawg!

This is wat sells. Over sexism. Carry them sexual innuendos, but if u have Jesus, abstinence, purity, holiness up in every line, u cant get no record deal.

Ladies! u gotta be sexy in ya appeal. Its aiight if u cant dress to kill, jus dress to appeal.
Yo! dat dont even sound right!

U go for an audition. U wana dance in ma video? u gotta be beautiful. See, their definition of beauty is twisted. Jus show some thigh and u iz on, u iz on.Feel me?

Can lil hommie keep his covenant in these crazyandalous times. The plague. Gotta buy hisself some spiritual guggles. See only that which is pure and acceptable.

But u is in the world dawg? Yea, but that dont mean amma be mesmerised by them covenant haterz dawg! I can be holy unto the lord, seperate and sanctified, renewing ma mind thru His word constantly.

QN:How can a young man stay pure????
ANS:Bury hisself in the holy word of God. And meditate on the holy things there in.(Seellin ya TV wont do)

Problem is, u cant keep the covenant if u hobnob with TV 24/7, storm rock nite at Mateos, visit them Kimansulo flesh pots. Its aiight to watch TV but it aint AIIGHT! Feel me?

If i was president, i wud not beef with ma political beefers, i wud beef with them covenant haters. Impose a tax that they will spend their whole life tryna raise. Nam sayin? For the sakes of them weak brothaz.

BOTTOM LINE: Da battle belongs 2 Da Lord! O yea. Lil hommie can keep da covenant.

"I have made a covenat with ma eyes not to look at a woman lustfully."


The 27th Comrade said...

Heh. I really, really like the choice of words. `Hath', not `has'. The direct result of being an unbridled fanatic. A Jesus freak, if you will.

But if you hath made an convenant with thine eye not fe look 'pon woman wif lust, good luck getting laid, son. Good luck.

lulu said...

hey you,i liked that, and you know what,the world getsworse so a young man just needs to make acovenant with his eyes, and self control is a gift for us from God ,why not start to stir it up withinus?
okay my show is on sundays 6-10am and weekdays, yello topten requests from 7-8pm . i donno when you wanna come on air witme butthat will be after a while.
who is this 27th comrade! eh!

Pea said...


Weak brothaz? Why doesn't anybody ever talk about the sudden influx of weak sistaz? We need to make a covenant with our eyes, too!

To answer your question, Lu, I have no clue who he is, but I think 27th is trying a wee bit too hard!


Duksey said...

Wow!this it tight stuff,i am liking the words,the flow is beautiful.

About that convenant,all i can say is good luck keeping it coz many brothers claim they are doing just that but behind the doors they are at it.

Being human,one simply has to pray for the strenght to keep such convenants day by day,or even every hour given the inflax of female flesh

Dennis D. Muhumuza said...

the only way u can make a convenant with your eyes is to seek Him in prayer. there is no other way. believe me. the days i used to seek Him, i saw them curvy pretty girls and all i would feel was pity. then i returned to the ways of the world and every time my eyes landed on well shaped daughters of Eve i could begin to imagine the things i could do to her naked. but now am seeking Him again, peace is beginning to return to my soul. i look at them shapely gals & feel nothing. its like am a castrated bull. and am loving it, hehehe!
and oh, isn't that funny, pea, u mean gals also look and imagine things? well, then, they too should go on their knees if they are to seal a convenant deal with their eyes.
and u 27th comrade, if you really took up a new revolution, the christ-led revolution, victory would be surely be guaranteed!

lulu said...

haha sage, get to me if you can 0752998898

Quillonpaper said...

@pea: is it me or are you pea again?
@27th: a rare twist of humour but i dont fink your ultimate was s.a.g.e.'s intention in this post. Am i rite s.a.g.e.? But bless u nonetheless child, m sure u ment well!
@s.a.g.e. I think i catch yo drift here 'specially in light of the scripture that says how beta it is for one to go into heaven with one hand than with two into hell.