Blogging behind beats-2009/2010.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

I Have Not Resisted Unto Blood (Heb 12:3-4)

I was reading the following back at Pea's and had to lay back and let the accounts sink in deep.Do i still wanna be a missionary???


1. Andrew - whipped severely by seven soldiers, and then crucified - tied to a cross with cords to prolong his agony. Preached to tormentors (while on the cross)for two days until he died.

2. Bartholomew - beaten then crucified.

3. James, son of Alphaeus - stoned to death.

4. James, son of Zebedee - beheaded.

5. John - boiled in a basin of boiling oil. Survived miraculously. Exiled for his faith; later freed; died of old age.

6. Judas (not Iscariot) - stoned to death.

7. Matthew - speared to death in Ethiopia.

8. Peter - crucifed upside down.

9. Philip - crucified.

10. Simon - crucified.

11. Thomas - speared to death in India.

12. Matthias - stoned to death and then beheaded.

Stephen: Stoned to death.

James, the brother of Jesus: Thrown over 100 feet down the temple on refusing to deny his faith. He survived his fall; when this was found out, he was beaten to death with a club.

Paul: Tortured by Emperor Nero and then beheaded.

When we preach, we are quick to promise men gold. 'God will give you this and that...a light skinned woman, a VISA to th US and so n so's Range Rover...' All this is in a bid to swell church membership cos this is wat this generation of apostasy wants to hear. So, wen they take in the bait, we even promise them dinner if they join our churches!
The result is hot house christians, ENEMIES and STRANGERS of the cross that no not of the way of the master. Sacrifice is never underlined up in their VOCA book n wen persecution comes they way, they donno how to bless, they smite!

But this is our heritage as servants of the Lord even death in block c. No servant is greater than his master.

Uganda hath the mandate to preach the cross and send prayer missionaries to the nations. But we send merchants abroad in the name of the lord and player worry-us instead of praya warriors. Oh yeah, our pews are full but full with empty hearts.

We mistake rattle for revival and action for unction. God hath blessed us with many churches and ministries like America but wickedness in n out of God's sanctuary reigns supreme.
Who is fooling who??? God cannot be mocked.

We hav soo many volunteers in His vineyard but the called and chosen are few. At the sound of the trumpet, the volunteer does not heed the call. He is playing not slaying!

Christian, befoe u venture into God's vineyard, pledge yo head to heaven cos this is the ultimate destiny for the tru servants of the Lord, even death in Block C!


Duksey said...

Quite saddening experiences those disciples had.
Being a missionary may be hard on but it doesnt get to that extent so you shouldnt give up. I know lots of missionaries who are having a blust in ministry

Cheri said...


Qn (and promise not think I'm a dumb blonde) but, I thought the only judas among the apostles was Iscariot- the traitor!!!????

Man, I really need my Bible study lessons.

Klara said...

So true!!N motivating!

Unknown said...

Wat brings the Ultimate distinction btween the Sons of God, led by the HolyGhost and doz of their father-the-Devil, led of the flesh!!!!!?

Wat makes the distinction btn Goshen and the rest of Egypt even as the plagues strike!?

Wat shal manifest the distinction between the Church and the World in diz last day's!?

Wat makes THEM .......... regard not their lives even unto death!!!!!!!?

Help Me GOD, I PRAY!!!

The 27th Comrade said...

Nobody said anything about BEHEADING!!!

I'm out. Count me OUT! I'm a ... Hindu, now!


Pea said...

Hahahaha! Light skinned woman, U.S. visa! That cracked me up. I had no idea the text touched you THIS much!

Paul reckoned that the suffering of this present time was not worthy to be compared with the glory which will be revealed in us (Rom 8:18)... and I agree! Let them behead me - I will glory in partaking of Christ's suffering (1 Pet 4:14).

Perhaps I say this because I have not so much as been poked with a needle for my faith. May I remember and stand firm in these words if the actual threat of "beheadment" befalls me.

diary of a G said...

hey man, I came here yesterday
but I didn't know what to really say about the post
so I didn't leave a comment

I checked out you MYSPACE
the music is poppin
I like that
I'll be going back there soon
I'll holla

SAGE said...

Thanks D, u'll probably love yo Husband too much n give him sedatives so he does not wake in time for his execution for a noble cause! That love is dangerous beware n wen he wakes, he will probably divorce! jus for laughs.As far as i know, the blood of martyrs is the foundation of the Church...Jesus supplied the lead!

Yea! U done bin countin sooo much dime u forgot ya bible, the blueprint to real money making. Pliz come bak to S.A.G.E church!

I hope this will motivate us wen our time comes. That we wont flinch even in the face of persecution. Dont be no stranger up in this piece.

Ma mama will probably blame u n Rita wen her baby boy is executed for smoking the clergy Paul, i was Timothy followin you as u followed Jesus n that nite of speakin in tongues??? bouy, that confirmed and ear marked us as wanted men in this generation. The manifestation awaits.

@the 27th Gunner:
Commie, u is always on the run, runnin frm yo truself, u hav become the prisoner n the jailer at the same time. U lay back sippin on communism gin as ya people perish. Time for introspection dawg. I and i know that tru peace n fulfillment come frm the lova man with mooo ranks than shabba. Wagwan?

we pray the above account will be written in our books of remembrance so that in that hour even wen those that look at us now as heroes behold, they wont faint because their heroes fall to the sword of persecution but by the courage and enthusiasm with which we take on the sword-they will find they intanship placements in the school of martyrs in the making.
But it starts now:preachin an uncompromising message n desiring no evil companionship with popularity n fame!

@diary of a G:
God bless u n dont be no stranger. God always guides our steps even into the courts of our future spouses. U be good. Aiight?