Da Sound of a crushing Church
Worldly men are busy inventing death. The church is busy hunting mice. All this is Vanity. Our paralysis of preoccupation is chasing da wind.
We want to prove to a fallen generation that seeks a sign that our God is 'cool'.It is a paradox cos in this our paralysed preoccupation is when the world sees our God as pitiful. We have failed in the closet, so we seek status symbols. We turn God's house into a market place in the pursuit of material honour. We seek the same platform to compete with fallen men.
One pitiful prodigal sought to clean the studios of the wicked fire base crew for a record deal. Wat shame! Wat pitifulness. He probably does not know his heritage(my peeps perish for lack of knowledge)
HolyGhost filled men do not need no status symbols. You do not even need to debate with the world about the authenticity of the virgin birth or the resurrection. You do not need to engage the world on any intellectual platform. No! Demonstrate the power of the Holyghost and say, 'If the lord God is God, serve Him!'.
John the Baptist didnt need no miracles to pull crowds (but Miracles will always follow you). He needed holyghost inspired arrogancy. He didnt need no TV AD for his crusades. He just set hisself ablaze and the world came to see him burn, even noble and cultured men. He wasnt even dressed like our celebrity pastor in a million dollar suit.
QN:Where is the mystery of the Gospel?
ANS:It hath been sabotaged by our pitiful preoccupation-'tryin to gain respect from the world!'
If the church's preoccupation in these evil days was God's preoccupation in the days of old Jerus, He wouldnt have sent Jesus thru a manger. He would have probably made room in a five star hotel.
Jesus' earthly father wouldnt have been a carpenter but a Bill Gates or Rupert Murdoch. His mama would have been one of them pitiful models and his cronnies G G G G-Unit! Talk of a humble pedigree and using the weak and foolish things to confound the strong and wise even the wisest of this age. That is the mystery of the Gospel. U see? we do not need no respect from worldlings. One folk broke ma heart on TBN talkin of gaining respect from the world by gaining material superiority. The spirit behind such ambitions is not the spirit of Christ!
On Jesus still. He wouldnt have died on a tree, the sign of ultimate shame. He would have smoked His enemies like Peter tried and get carried in a Chariot of fire and wear a crown of bling instead of thorns.
If Jesus was our contemporary, God would send Him to the finest instittutions of learning like Harvard to gain the wisdom of the world. But God sent Him to a University in the dessert to be tempted of the devil.
Why in the world would God pass by the intellectuals in John the Baptist's time for an uncultured man? John was spirit bred and filled. The intellectuals of his time were bred on the brains of dead men. Had God chosen an intellectual, they probably would have mobilised for funds to organise the baptism of folks. See? Our natural abilities are sometimes our stumbling block. They always pop their heads as a best alternative.
Holyghost filled wo/men do not need no human crutches.
God always offends our minds to reveal the heart. He goes on to choose a click of low bred men to become Jesus' disciples. Men unrecognised and despised that even when they spoke languages they had never learned, the skeptics scorned. But after the infilling of the holyghost, fellow country men were mesmerised seeing as,'these men were unlearned'.
Wat Jesus died to purchase for us, worldly church merchants are tryna trade for peanuts and doughnuts. What Christ purchased for us is priceless. Money cant buy the holyghost or replace the spirit of God for that matter.
One man of old tried to buy Holyghost power and got a curse for that blasphemy.
There are merchants in the church today and they are from the Venice of hell.
The gates of hell prevail today because men are busy filling church pews with empty hearts whose heads get phat on theology but no nothing of Holyghost transforming power. Alas, the world looks at us as pitiful. We substitute agonising for organising, praying for playing and paying. Deacons should be men full of the spirit but we have men slack in prayer filling those sits.
Such men cannot bring in the harvest. The pastor who is not praying is playing and getting paid. Tombs beget tombs and wombs life and moooo life!
What is it that would make a man sell everything or leave the comfort and affluence of his home in search of that treasure?
It is a pity that even men called to the frontline seek the unregenerate as their Joshua and Hur. How can the unregenerate stand on the frontline without the breastplate of righteousness or the shield of faith in a mighty battle for the unregenerate against principalities and the very wickedness in the high place the unregenerate celebrate??
Which regenerate Man of God with a harp needs Chameleon or 50 Cent to soar in the heavenlies?
This is another absurdity that we pursue in church because the light of His glory shines dim against the allure of hollywood lights.
Jesus said that He will build His church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail. The master waits that we pull down the sign posts infront of our churches,'MEN AT WORK' and allow Him to build His Church that will prevail.
Eeh.. S.A.G.E, u sound nearer to THE SERVICE spot than when i last checked u out!!!! The stage is set, nda trumpet shall sound sooner than later. The hallmark 4real apostles will soon take center stage, '... them who regarded not their lives even unto DEATH' a paradox coz '...them who try to save their lives will lose them and them who lose their lives for HIS sake will gain them...' This is no doughnut for them PRETENDERS! One must fully count the COST. Rgds
Um ... I could be wrong, but this looks like it is five inches away from naming Benny Hinn ...
Yo commie! Hope ya well now. U always speculating dawg. Wa gwan? Didnt even think about Benny abit as i wrote this. Nice to have u 'round dawg. U always 'round...church at S.A.G.E.one!
hot stuff! burning ma hands--"help, help"! seriously, S.A.G.E the trumpet should sound even the far corners of the earth. see for long blogger has been in denial. but the drums are beating. no more excuse. the re-awakening is in our midst. time to strike. we've played enough. time to pray now. prayer on blog. imagine 27th comrade is with us. in the real revolution. and baz. and iwaya. and cheri. and darlin. all. imagine those brains denying themselves for the real cause? imagine that!
hi sage,
yeah i work at power fm.
how inthe world did yo guess?
oh and iamgoing in for my show in a moment.
God bless lu
for anautograph,if you are in thecountry just come on over and say you re sage and i willsignit :)
Sage, I'm sorry I didn't comment on this earlier. It's a great post. I am beginning to wonder more and more, though. What are WE doing about it? We've pointed fingers long enough. Complained long enough. I think it's time for action. How many of us have been on our knees for the "prodigal" who cleaned up that place for a record deal? We can blog about it, sing about it, talk about it, but how many of us LIVE it? Christians say "I love Jesus" almost every other word. But do we really? Do we know Him? Better yet, does He know us? If He did, then why are we doing nothing for Him? I really think that the people to blame here are the prophets who are afraid to speak up for God, the ones who cower when they realize that the world is not about to accept reality... the trump is going to sound SOON, and the very sad thing is many people who live today thinking they are going to see heaven will meet the people they condemn. Uh huh, right there, in the pits of hell. We need to wake up, and I say that to myself also.
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