Blogging behind beats-2009/2010.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Seperating the holy from the HOLY

This is not an era in need of good men/women. Men that try to remix the gospel and make it acceptable and appealing.

This is an era for 'bad men'. Men that will not let up or shut up. Men that wont settle for the common but constantly pursue the uncommon-what the world brands as foolishness and extremism.

Men/women that would rather be cast away.

They follow in tjhe footsteps of Elijah who starved a whole nation for three years at the command of God whose repercussion must have awed even the most religious Jews that conservantly followed the logos. (Ravens and a heathen widow???)

John the Baptist had the audacity to call 'noble men' broods of vipers...yeah, Holy Spirit inspired audacity and HOLY indignation.

These are men that will not stop only at following the written word but will be driven by their consuming passion to obey the revealed word. Men otherworldly. Men that will not appeal or appease.

While Worldly men are trapped between doing good or bad, Godly men must rise from doing good to doing GOOD. Seperating the holy from the HOLY.

While worldly men swagger on the streets for good deeds (giving money to the poor-charity and orphanages, going to church every sunday, not touching the bottle or fornicating with sisters), the church must weep because the non believer man thinks himself better than some church folk and therein implies, 'Why do i need yo Jesus then?'
But brag not oh worldly man, for the lord sees yo vanity and yo self righteousness is like the smell of the under clothing of a woman in her Ps.
The Lord cries out to His peeps, 'Come out from among them (the worldlings) and be ye seperate.

Men of God who are nat Godly men misrepresent Jehovah. There is pomp in being a man of God and oblivion in being Godly coz you die everyday, you become less so that HE might be glorified see? might be glorified. See?
You can be a man of God or woman of God but still BURN!

In a generation of Humanistic appeal, God is calling His peeps to seperate the holy from the HOLY. God's perfect will must be held in high esteem and the permissive will looked at as elementary.

Godly men do not pursue girlfriends. No! They seek for wives.

We are not to choose friends for ourselves in Christendom, God should lead the way because herein lies the deception and recipe for eternal damnation or bliss and the fulfillment of our purpose in life.
Friends are like signposts to our destiny. Hell or heaven.

It aint enuff to be goodly, we must be godly in works, speech and character.

Seperating the holy from the HOLY and i have barely scratched the surface.

The word'MEN' hath been advertently chosen to represent both sexes by the writer.


lulu said...

hey endangered general, i can see why
you are a fanatic
keep it up!
as for 'for shizzle, nizzle and fizzle' i need to be as nigga as you to really click all that (kidding!0 but yeah i am holding on though it is so not easy

The 27th Comrade said...

Heh. You are a fanatic, for real.
Of course the average `holy guy' is a bag of wasting evil. And I mean HOLY guy. Because the plot has already been lost by `you guys'. As in, the things that are held up as signs of `HOLY'-ness are actually bad, only that y'all don't know that. It's a question of how you see things. The Pharisees used to say their High Priest was `HOLY'. But that's the guy who got Jesus crucified. Could you be calling for `HOLY'-ness and ending up with an EVIL-ness that you just don't happen to know as evil?

Pea said...

Deep! What do you mean by:

We are not to choose friends for ourselves in Christendom, God should lead the way because herein lies the deception and recipe for eternal damnation or bliss and the fulfillment of our purpose in life.
Friends are like signposts to our destiny. Hell or heaven

? I might have it right... but please explain...

Quillonpaper said...

I love this, 'specially the point where you go on about why the unbelievers should need our Jesus when all most "Christians" keep doing is stuff that keeps them away. Which reminds me of the fundamental reason for his coming: to save that which was lost...for the one who's healthy and well has no need of a physician! Keep these up s.a.g.e. Blessed!

SAGE said...

The sinful mind is hostile to God. It does not submit to God's law nor can it do so...
Holiness is more than things held up as holiness and it cant be learned from the classroom or Wikipedia. It cannot be taught but is caught in the holyghost. So, with all earnestness, no man can be holy outside Jesus, it starts with being born of water and the spirit. Feel me?


Jesus said, you will be blessed if men call you names for ma sake. But in this case, i would like to disect something.
Fanaticism is zeal without reason(like the promise of seven virgins in para lodge)
Zeal in this context is love ablaze. Jesus was not a fanatic wen after weepin over a city, he whipped people holding money changers).

Yes, His love was blind to all the possible dangers of His mission. This kinda love in His zealous followers ignores personal safety, disregards the odds against it and the unpopularity among folks, drops "sacrifice" from its vocabulary, requires no crutches, ignores all danger, is intolerant of sin, but not fanatical.

The pharaisees kept Jesus out of their thing but this zeal acknowledges, 'without Jesus i can do nothing and no good thing resides in me!'


The are friends and FRIENDS. They r miles apart. The FRIEND IS CLOSER THAN A BROTHER OR SISTER FOR THAT MATTER and many a time, they get into the inner court of our business or the parliament of our hearts and have a phat hand wen it comes to calling the shots in our affairs. THEY R INFLUENTIAL and many a time will make us or break us. There are those u keep in the outer court. They r like the Jackal...u do not listen to them wen the father speaks. We have got to trust God for our FRIENDS thru prayer or we might end up like the man who learnt to pray very late( In Hell...prayin to father Abraham) for release from his agony in cell 'H'. U dig?

@ Lulu:

Nigga is a strong word for shizzle. But that's aiight. I jus love hip hop slang and rock it without bein vulgar. But one love and keep on keepin on with the struggle. We endangered species!

Bless u all!