“Blessed is the man whose heart is set on pilgrimage…”
On this road less traveled, it no longer haunts the soul that has known the midnite to be a best friend and the rollercoster that cruises it closer to its maker, seein that livin holy is as rare as seein black folks playin hockey, only reinforces this cliché among pilgrims, ‘The spiritual man must walk alone’.
We live in an age where the modern species would rather not look ‘His way’ because His way is a threat to the crowns humans have bestowed…
The cult of personalities-Celebrit-ism scoffs at the way of the master-the cross. This cult even hath the audacity to ooze its way into the house of Jay Master Jay like mucus from a septic wound.
We have come a long way dear brethren and we now have our own celebrities-Celebrity Pastors, evangelists, musicians, profets…
In every generation, God will always have a remnant. This breed of people know like their master that the very people that cry ‘Hossanah…’ as they set you on top of a mule are the very same people that will cry, ‘crucify’ hours later. The prophets know that their daily bread is affliction not celebration. He who is celebrated has his ego elevated, which is anti Christ. Christ and the cross are synonymous and the cross will always advocate for the slayin of the ego. The man with a cross around his neck is the ‘’modern day’ celebrity, while the one with the cross on his back is a dead man walkin. In most cases, if not all, he has very few companions. The road he travels, no one dares to tread alongside him because he is a man walking to his own funeral. The paradox is, He walks to his death only to meet his resurrection.
Again, I will echo what master Ravenhill once voiced. We need entertainment today, because there isn’t enuff joy in the house of the lord. Because entertainment is, the devil’s substitute to the joy of the lord.
Because there isn’t enough power in the house of God, people are always looking for the latest scientific development, and their hair stands up when they see some fancy show on TV.
Fleshpots beckon and even the Lord’s elect follow. Into the corridors of reveling they are found, mouth split open with saliva forming at both corners of the mouth-Mesmerized?
We amuse ourselves to hell. Reveling dear blogren, is noted among the lusts of the flesh. This is where the carnal and the spiritual are separated.
Me going to be amused at secular fleshpots…P square…s square…whatever…only makes God want to throw up.
Blogger like any other spot suffers the danger of becoming a tomb that forms personality cults where men would rather be celebrated and praised. We put men on a pedestal and would rather look at the merry side of things. A vice versa comment will catch many a blogger throwing tantrums like Da Brat, and the innocence of the blog is betrayed by the mass of tantrums that blogren will throw in an attempt to defend ‘their own’. This is where the strength of our faith (wat we livin for) is tested.
Our superficiality comes to the surface as we smite those that would rathet tell us the truth than hype us.
For the Christian blogger, you have only one relevant audience, so I bin told. Yo posts are first of all, incense unto the lord. If that incense is acceptable, then the lord in His sovereignity will sprinkle it on whomsoever He wills. I bin told, I have to post at least one story a week to allow time to generate more comments. Many a time, I have sat down and words come gushing like water through a broken pipe. My pen has been like the tongue of an eloquent speaker. Other times have I sat quietly as the mid nite oil burnt silently but hardly has a single phrase or word come through. The lord afflicts me with His silence at the mid nite hour as I patiently wait. I must eat before I serve, so I first chew His burden before it can translate into words from my innermost being.
Fellow pilgrims, our success is, not measured by how many comments our graffiti walls peck, but how many saints our words make.
The folly of 1000 comments is that not one of them will be genuine leave alone talking about the honesty of the heart hyping us. Their morality to please/hype us is not pure morality at all.
On most occasions, they will drop comments but mourn the fact that you aint visiting their graffiti walls. Something fishy , about their motives. See?
Alas, we suffer the peril of falling into the trap of the personality cult that I have barely scratched on the back. The desire to stand well with even our ‘religious’ friends destroys originality and makes imitators out of us. But the way to escape this snare is simple. Make a complete surrender to God, love Him with all your heart and love every man for His sake. Determine to obey your own convictions as they crystallize within you as a result of prayer and constant study of the scriptures. After that, you may safely ignore the expectations of your friends as well asv the criticism of your enemies.
Jesus would not commit himself to those who praised Him because He knew their hearts. The very lips that praise you today will shout ‘crucify’ tomorrow.
As I conclude, let me repeat this. THE PROPHET WILL ALWAYS BE HOUNDED AND WOUNDED (one gal in the palace asked for John the Baptist’s head for a birth day gift and Jezebel put a price on the head of Elijah). But faint not for this is the destiny of every true servant of the lord-even death on the stake! Befoe you venture into the lord’s bizz, pledge yo head to heaven. Flee any appearance of evil. Let us lose ourselves from any carnal fear and act from within with a total disregard of the opinions of others coz we write, speak and live for the opinion of the hosts of heaven. AMEN!
Wow. I liked this. (Translate: This is going to be a LONG comment.)
That last paragraph... before people give their lives to the LORD, perhaps it would do them good to count the cost, because many times people are hoodwinked into salvation -
"Hi! You are a sinner. But the Bible said Jesus came to die for you and to forgive you. Do you believe that?"
"Yeah, sure."
"The Bible also says that if you believe in Jesus, you will be able to tread serpents and drink any deadly thing and it will not harm you. Do you believe that?"
"Really?"(Shrugs.) "Alright, yeah, I do."
"Well, do you want to become a child of God?"
(Nods)"Yes I do."
The Bible says, "Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out. Do you believe that?"
"If God does not cast you out, that means He receives you, right?"
"Amen. You are His child. Welcome to the family. Go and tell other people about it, and win souls for Christ! Hallelujah."
So with a very plastic smile, this person goes around telling people he is born again. The cycle continues. Little wonder then, that after a few weeks, or months, or years for some, things begin to get confusing and there is absolutely no peace. Two weeks after a person cried in church, very emotional at the thought of this loving Jesus, the same person is back to the old life, saying "It became too hard."
Nobody preaches repentance anymore. Nobody says, turn away from your sin. All they do nowadays is tell you how in Christ, you can be wealthy here, you can start a church in your back yard and rob the poor, you can travel in jets bought by a willing congregation who, despite their pauperdom, decided to "obey the (wo)man of God" and "sow a seed by faith". After all, only faith can please God. Give, and you, too, will one day have your own jet that I guess might fly you to heaven.
But I digress.
"Blogger, like any other spot, suffers the danger of becoming a tomb that forms personality cults..."
In saying that, you imply that the formation of these deadly cults is at some point in (the distant) future. Yet it is already happening, and has already happened. The race for comments and random but vain things like that just really at the very best, cracks me up, but at the worst, disgusts me. Not that I am better than anyone, but after an incident over at Keitetsi's old blog, my blogtrotting was reduced severely because it was in that comment box that many people's true personalities were exposed. Woe is the man who dares to threaten anyone's popularity!
And woe is the soldier that dares to say that if you are born again and have not put off the old man, you will not see the kingdom of God.
I agree with you that the way is simple. However, nobody should be duped into thinking it is easy.
PS: About the comment issue, THIS BLOGGER inspires me, because he disables comments for most of his posts. I asked him why and he said it helps to keep him accountable - that way he is not blogging just for the comments. God bless him. (Add him to your blogroll, his posts are rare but enlightening.)
pea, i liked that ka-dialogue on your first comment. but this person after believing doesnot leave with a very plastic smile but a very CONTAGEOUS one....anyways S.A.G.E is is spot-on in many ways. blogger has created personality cults...commenting on blogging has been misused so much that it has become 'praising' on blogs. yet comments are meant 2 generate some useful debate from which all the brogren can learn & interprete issues. but it's a human weakness 2 love 2 be praised. from way back kings had endless praise titles, and even praise singers. even pastors. am not saying its alright. am saying its a human weakness like any other human weakness. am not so sure if it amounts to culticism (is there such a word). all i can say is its important to contribute to the topic that is the blog entry as genuinely, call a spade a spade if u must call a spade a spade & dont be dissuaded by those who will gang up to vomit their spit at u. and to u brogren who delete negative comments, don't do that as long as they are sincere. if they are unreasonably nasty, YES, u can go ahead & delete, but if they are harsh but with an ounce of truth, let them stay. that's the only we can get along well in the sense of a free world and a free freedom of speech.
hmm. i know too well the thing about comments, country boy. but for me i leave them whether they are nasty or not because i think if someone wants the world to see what they are made of those are theirs. blogger especially ugandan blogger was a formation of cliques that didnt make sense all in all ive learnt to keep my distance not just in blog but also in life, people have a way of using their personalities to make others look bad. nice post.
We should have the documentary finished by the 4th of June, because that's where we have to hand it in to our professor.
At this very moment we are listening to your cd to find out which song(s) to use in the film.
Lots of loove from the Danes
Nice new look! ;) hahahahaha
someone once told me that people are not going to hell because they sin but they are going to hell becoause they have not acknowledged jesus as their personal saviour...hmmmm
@Lulu: Both...
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