Blogging behind beats-2009/2010.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007


LUKE 1v37

People are feeling it, smelling it, tasting it, !! The wall has been built and the barriers are high! but on the horizon there is a breakthrough, there is a revival which is going to flood this nation! No wall is too big to smash, no barriers too big to crumble, nothing can stand in the way of the MIGHTY JESUS CHRIST!

He is the most famous, most talked about, most loved yet most mocked. The bible, a book written about him is translated in 2,200 languages! There is one sold every second of every minute over the last 2 centuries. It has sold more than Harry potter, the Da vinci code and Lord of the rings put together! It is the most stolen book, the most smuggled book, the most talked about book. People have died trying to get one, people have died holding on to one. People say that they would build their whole life on it! why??? Because this book is the life of Jesus and the life of Jesus is a message of Grace and Love and Grace and Love are the ingredients which are going to smash down the walls! what does Like 1 v 37 say??

FOR NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


SAGE said...

Hey bro,thanks for the post. Keep painting this wall with the beauty of Jesus!

Dennis D. Muhumuza said...

i love this book. i love the bible. i love its coat of gold. there is life in the bible. the bible replaced my rosary.

SAGE said...

Halleluyah! To God be the glory 4 testifying without flinching. It replaced my thug poetry...