God always offends the mind to reveal the heart. Can u imagine that He even had the audacity to tell Abraham to go sacrifice his own son?
In a day where being good and cultured has become a religion, modern day Abrahams can be sooo rare to find. But this is the fame that we aint been told about. We know about Jada Smith Pinkett, Bill Gates, Diddy, Beyonce, Brad Pitt, and Prison Break. We aint heard of the profets of old. Men like Elijah who locked heaven, pocketed the key and aking was on his knees because there was no rain for three years. Men that knew the heart beat of God. Men that death could not intimidate or governments incacerate.
The list is eternal even in contemporary times. The chronicles of the things of God honour Charles Finney who walked in cities and his presence melted hearts to repent. Voices not echoes!!. David Brainerd who lost his place at Yale University because of an unnecessary comment about a lecturer but found his position in God among the red Indians. He died in his twenties because he prayed and fasted for revival and this had an effect on his health. Robert Evans of wales shunned theatre and football matches to listen to the sage's of his time and God used him in revival.
Back to my title. Sodom had no bible and they perished. We have a bible!!! I guess perishing will be an understatement. We try to throw prayer out of schools and when you open yo mouth against homosexuality, you might go to jail for...???,,,.
God is calling for soujahs against militant Godlessness in this generation. Men who will defy kings and shut the mouth of lions. Atleast we do have a bible.( Watch out for part two)
1 comment:
Sodom had a Bible, they just defied it....and look wat hapnd to them. We too have Bibles. And we continue to defy the word.....
Wat's gonna hapn to us is nothing compared to Soddom.
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