This is wat happens wen we hang around secular fires to warm ourselves. Like Simon Peter of old; we are possesed by a spirit that denies Jesus Christ.
The Bible talks about revelling among the lusts of the flesh. Why wud we even need to 'escape' to the secular table? This is another form of baal worship that gives Christ a beat down even among His own friends-the church!
We are called just to entertain Church folk but not minister to them. I wonder why even grown folks in Church cant look at the music ministry as something legit.
They will 'hire' you with a warning to 'just entertain folks' and in a bid to swell church attendance, just because you are some sort of celebrity worldly musician with a gospel trak on yo album to brag about, you dont have to take yo shoes off standing on holy ground.
I watched Beyonce with a grieved spirit on TBN being hosted by one of my favorite female preachers.
One of the big churches in Kampala is planning to show case Holywood's The Pursuit of Happiness by Will Smith on Easter Sunday. God forbid that i become a part of these fleshly endeavours.
My call right now is to boycott anything that is not of the spirit, The arm of the flesh will profit us nothing dear brethren. Anything that misrepresents the ultimate, which is to walk in the spirit, i give it a cold shoulder. Wat the world celebrates i want to despise henceforth.
I will not buy yo CD if you preach a conscious message. I will not attend yo block party if it showcases gals flashing like photography and carries an air of anti Christ. I will not come to yo church if all you do is ask for my seed for God to bless me financially. If yo a christian and condone sin, the spirit of comradely does not exist between us.
I have chosen to be a lonely man becos i refuse to flow with the times and hang with the click or marry a woman that stoops low and gives baal a kiss.
If u accept this call to boycott, get ready to fight the flesh, the devil and the world. Since the devil rules this turf right now (his territory), be sure yo companions will be few but this is yo signpost to greatness cos great women and men walk alone just like eagles fly alone. You will be a giant in todays church and the devil will relinquish his turf to you for it is yours for the taking.
am with u. i'll not deny u thrice at the cockcrow. u'll never walk alone!
U God's son. Hold on n lets invite da devil to the marriage supper of the lamb!
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