Blogging behind beats-2009/2010.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

2 B or nat 2 b!

Bona Bagagawale! And i aint bout 2 be converted to politics.
I like to give peeps i aint agree with much, a benefit of the doubt. I know you aint no beta cook than ma Mams but amma accept the invitation to have lunch prepared by you.

Show people the strength of ya faith by listening to them. It wont hurtcha if the Lord is ya rock.

I was at Namboole. Yea! Had a rolex and fasted after biting it to death. That was ma breakfast and lunch. A bit of ma crazy world but am aiight.


Am one that would lovingly embrace poverty if its God's calling for me.

Even if i was stinkin rich, i wud take a bus on a date or forego the Humvee cos i love simplicity like ladies love shopping sprees.

I like hangin out in the cloud of the unknown. Stay back stage...have a problem bein in the spotlight. Probably why i aint down with mad publicity.

I prefer bein a missionary to Brazil or some village in the UK...explains why i aint gona be no rapper 4 eternity.

Prefer:Tents to mansions,Mats to beds(Ask ma big sis!)

Dont really like hangin at Cineplex-Garden City(even if its the inthing)

I dont like irish potats but i dig french fries(mite have bin a result of ma mams and ma paps spoilin me as a lil kid)

Am krazy bout corns with rows but i think am bout to be like Elisha anyway!(bald in like a yea)

I hate secular education but i gotta pay ma dues to ma Mams and Ceaser.(but Ceaser gat beef with me dawg!)

Yo! wat i was tryna say is; I LIKE ME A SIMPLE LIFE!

Prosperity hath bin ma Cinderella(most unloved woman) from way back cos ma understanding of it was twisted(thot she was a hooe).Them 'prosperity preachaz' i listened to was 'materialism preachaz.' I RAN AT THEIR ECHO!

The man with a dollar for a name jus blew me away las nite but ctill, the bottom line is this:WATS GOD'S WILL 4 ME AS TUMUKUNDE aka Renee emcee of LVC?

Its aiight to prosper BUT an unregenerate man with a phat bank account is one who hath bin ensnared by money and is about to discover its a dead womb and a tomb!(un able to bring human happiness to fruition or buy the joy of the lord)

Money in itself is insufficient in defining prosperity. Prosperity that dont don yo soul, spirit and body aint prosperity at all.

You can be loadus with alooooot of money but you are jus another pig with bling if u dont gat J master J(Jesus) as lord and savior of ya life.

Prosperity hath to be preached(Prophetically)cas poverty is a mentality in yo nut, like that stubborn strand of meat lodged btn ya teath.

The world brags of materialism. For us church folk, God gives us, not to hoard but to bless. This is where the sheep and the goats are seperated.

Muller of them Orphanages once said, the secret of receiving is giving. And u aint tryna let yo butt know it wen u give. Aiight?

Love the Lord with all thine heart and yo neighbour...This is the foundation to all the laws even the laws of prosperity.

I was there, i saw and i bin set free.

'Katwale katwale! Katonda aja kukuwa Omukazi ne visa!'
I jus learnt that dont work. U gotta find some to do cos God blesses the works of yo hands. This aint no 'lay back, mix ya juice with ya figa and God will bless u' prosperity Gospel.Nah! U gotta be deligent, u gotta save and u gotta do some, u gotta live within ya means.Dont get trapped in debt. Aiight?

At the end of the day, it is;'God wat do u gat for me. WATS YO PERFECT WILL FOR MY LIFE?'

The peril of this is that many unbriddled will dash in with thier heads not their hearts. And we mite see Christain Oprah wanna be's and every body wanting to own a private jet! Yet God also wants to have Him some Mother Theresa's, John the Baptist's, Elijah's, Apostle Paul's(Possesing nothing but owning everything).

Tru prosperity however begins with accepting Jesus the son of God as yo personal Lord and savior. If the wealth of this land was predominantly in the hands of wo/men that submit to the Lord, Uganda would be the America of Africa or the manifest Pearl of Africa.

If ya stingy and hold on to ya money, you dont have it. IT HATH U! The love of money begins with not sharing it with those that dont gat like u gat. U is a captive but u can take that money captive by captivating others with it. Bless othaz by sharing!



Quillonpaper said...

I just wish a lot of the tens of thousands that attended that conference got the same interpretation of the message as you did! Thanks for sharing once again! & see, that's a start for prosperity...SHARING. Bless!

The 27th Comrade said...

Um ... so the guy was telling y'all to become Commies? Wow. I missed it. ;o)

Pea said...

Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. (1 Jn 4:1)

Prove all things; hold fast that which is good (1 Thess 5:21)

For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables(2 Tim 4:3-4)

Pea said...

I have to confess... I did not read the entire entry. I got frustrated after a point. Bless.

Unknown said...

The Holy Spirit inspires Paul to say divide the word of truth...where is it applicable, where is it not? If the Word says he became a curse so I may be blessed, how do u get that? means you are not under a curse, coz Jesus became it so that you may become blessed. Being cool with poverty is like saying, it's okay, if God wanted me to be sick, in debt, under stress, hungry, naked... Maaaan....Isaiah 53: surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.Isa 53:5 But he [was] wounded for our transgressions, [he was] bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace [was] upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

You must be blind not to see that Jesus came so that you may be free.

John 10:10 The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy, but i have come that you may have life, and have it more abundantly--- get it? What does it mean to you?


SAGE said...

"Am one that would lovingly embrace poverty if its God's calling for me."

Am lovin all this. Feel like am in bible school already.

Wat this generation of bible scholars and traditional conservatives hath not told us is the difference btn God's written word(logos)and God's revealed word(Rhema). Elijah knew bout it(Ravens and the non jewish woman), Abraham(On sacrificing his son),Peter(on slay and eat)

I think God will always offend the mind to reveal our hearts. We aint yet there...we tryna contain Him in a box butr we cant coz God is no body's page boy!

Unknown said...

Philipians4:12--I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: every where and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need.

Philipians4:13--I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

Pea said...

Nevender, if the only way you look at blessings is financial, then you are gravely mistaken. I know very poor people who, in their financial poverty, are happy and more blessed than any wealthy man. But anyway...

"Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added unto you."

"I was young, and now am old, but I've never seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread."

"Foxes have holes, and birds have nests, but the Son of man hath not where to lay His head."

"Consider the lilies of the field..."

I don't know exactly where those verses are but what I am trying to say is this. God is our Provider. My focus should not be on the provision, but on the One from whom it comes. We must be content(ed) with what we have.

Today, I was thinking about this whole deal and I asked God to show me how blessed rich people were in the Bible.

Let me tell you the first names that came to my head.

Achan. Gehazi. Saul. Solomon. Hezekiah. Ananias. Sapphira. The rich man who called Jesus "Good Teacher."

And as I was typing this entry, I remembered a few more. Abraham was rich. Isaac, Jacob, Boaz, David.

But the difference between these two groups, I now realize, was their focus. The first group chased after or bragged about their wealth. The second group knew their God, and He enabled them to do great exploits.

How is it that today we judge freedom and abundance by our bank accounts?

To me, Nevender, peace and being right with God are so much more important than the wads of notes in my wallet. I've experienced both. I would prefer peace to wealth any day.

Pea said...

Focus, focus, focus.

Would you go to Christ if He said you would never be rich a day in your life?

Do you go to Him for the abundance and the freedom and the prosperity, or for HIM?

How many people would have gone to Namboole if the poster did not say jangu ogaggawale?

God cannot be contained in a box. He also does not change to suit man's greed or the trend of the times. Malachi 3:6. Hebrews 13:8. We will leave all that wealth here. That "God" that people worship today is not the God of heaven. He is an idol that has been created for comfort... with only convenient scriptures applied and the uncomfortable ones scrapped.


Dennis D. Muhumuza said...

hot seat, huh? let me begin by answering pea: i don't think people went to namboole because the poster said 'jangu ogagawale'. on the contrary more went because they had heard much about creflo dollar the great rich man of God & went to hear him testify how God had enriched him. at least i went because i wanted 2 learn & borrow from his bible-coated prosperity wisdom. and i wasnt disappointed. it was not that the post even insunuated that Dollar would be dishing out liquid cash,for then, sure multitudes more would have overpowered namboole. what dollar actually offered were practical tips. he talked of honesty, of hardwork, of saving, of investing, of contacts with the right people, of patience and of God's guidance in all this. he emphatically castigated crookedness in business, and for whatever he said, he solidified it with evidence (bible verses). here is a man who has not amassed his wealth fast but who has bid his time, toiled and prayed and lived on a tight budget. and now can't the man enjoy the fruits of his labour without people raising eyebrows? come on guys, this is a guy who started his ministry with 8 people & has been patient for over 20 years and God has since tested him enough and decided its time to reward Dollar with a few more dollars. basing on all this, i'll that rather than 'suspect' his riches, we should go down in prayer and that way we shall be in position to serve God better like Dollar has done. somebody shout "Amen!"

Pea said...

CB: Kale