Blogging behind beats-2009/2010.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

on lot and ABRAHAM!

At the crossroads with his uncle Abbie, He looked over and saw the plains lookin pleasant and settled in the outskirts of Sodom. Then he made a crib in Sodom and became an elder at the gates of Sodom but the people of Sodom were extremely wicked-whoremongers!!

Abraham Didnt move but God moved and made him a promise. An inheritance!!!
Not everything that glitters is gold is a tired word but sometimes we need to just chillux and wait on God. Success these days is loads of money and light skinned women but bruh, withall thy gettin, seek direction from the most high and in all thy ways, acknowledge Him. Aiight??

Lot settles in sodom with a pedigree of righteousness not his own and it turns out he is voiceless. With all thy gettin sis, have an epiphany moment of yo own and make the faith that was yo father's yo own-graduate from a sunday church lover to a Jesus freak 4realla not jut on yo t-shirt or with yo mouth and buddies!

Lot Perished. Not in sodom but in the caves somewhere after sexing his own daughters-inadvertently tho but life is wat he made it. It was too late for him to be an ambassador of righteousness in a foreign and wicked land where iniquity was galloped like water and sinfulness was militant. He was just mocked and called an outsider. In that land, there was no fear for his God 'cause he didnt take the time to rep that God from day one. He indulged in sodom with the sodomites and became a man of authority but such authority could not move mountains and giants of wickedness.

My eyes have seen evil things, my ears have heard wicked men hollering and blaspheming the name of ma lord. Chocolate souljahz deny God at the tables and frontlines of secularism,humanism and lukewarmness but God forbid that we never have those that holla AS 4 ME AND MY HOUSE WE GONNA SERVE THA LORD!!! The remnant will always show and they dont need no secular publicity or cheap popularity.
Let the sons of Isaachar and Abraham rise and let the reflection on they faces expose the flaw models and whore mongers.