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Friday, August 3, 2007

Godly Infatuation: By Julie Ferwerda

Resisting A Ministry Affair

“I’ve been totally attracted to this certainman.”

Stephanie admitted over mugs of chai at my kitchen table.
Trying to appear unruffled by this startling declaration was a challenge. I love that my good friend honestly admits her deepest struggles, but her latest temptation was a bit surprising to me.

Besides the fact that she’s married to an awesome and attractive godly man, she’s also the women’s ministry leader at her church and rock solid in her walk with God.
“I hate to admit this because I know how terrible it sounds, but I really want to share with you how God is getting me through this.” She went on to explain. “You remember that mission trip last month I took into central Mexico with our sister church. Well, the man happens to be the worship leader from that church.” Mounting concern forced my eyebrows up.

“It’s crazy, I know. I have a great husband who loves me. I’m not unhappy or unfulfilled, or even looking for anything else. But I was so…caught off guard. This guy was amazing in so many ways—fun, wise, discerning, tender-hearted, a great leader, and his passion for God was exhilarating!”
“Anything else?” I piped in with a hint of sarcasm.
“Listen,” she ignored me. “Have you ever met those people who seem to spill out joy, faith, and passion? Being around this guy I felt like a moth drawn to a light bulb!”

I mulled her last statement in silence, wondering if Stephanie would have even had this struggle, had her husband been able to accompany her on the trip. Being away from him and in close proximity to another attractive godly man for two weeks—in a new and difficult environment—made her more vulnerable, and I told her as much.
“You’re right about that. Since my hubby wasn’t there, this guy sort of stepped into the protector role, looking out for me the whole trip. He was so attentive; it was like having a guardian angel. Tell me how any woman stays objective under those circumstances!”

I thought about her experience and remembered times in my own life when I’d been temporarily captivated by different character qualities of godly men whom I’d known or served with in ministry. I could totally relate. Especially when it came to feeling exceptionally protected or attended to. I wondered if it was possible a guy like that didn’t realize the effect he was having on her. Under the circumstances, I was pretty sure the attraction she was feeling was somewhat normal. After all, temptation isn’t the sin. But what she did with it was going to be critical.
Heart vs. Head
“So how did you deal with it?” I fully expected that since she was being so honest, things were under control.
“It hasn’t been that simple.” Stephanie explained. “You wouldn’t believe the battle going on between my head and my heart. It’s like a giant tug of war. My head has all these super-spiritual answers, you know, the ones I tell other women all the time. Dwelling on him is wrong, thinking I would be happier with someone else is a total lie, I can’t get away with sin, and this is a test I must pass…”

After watching the results of this path in so many others’ lives, she certainly had all the right answers. If anyone knew that following her misguided desires would lead down a lonely road to destruction, it was Steph. I could tell, however, that there was a “but.”
“What threw me when I left Mexico were the more powerful arguments coming from my heart. First, I really missed him. Then, when I made up my mind to quit missing him, it drove me crazy wondering if he missed me. It was like some irrational obsession made me want to know if he was as captivated by me. It was so hard to let go of that control.”
From my own personal experience, I thought about this weird approval game women play in their minds, wanting to know we have power over the heart of a man. I wondered how much of it could be resolved if we understood we had already captivated the Man of our hearts.
Drastic Measures
Anxious to hear how Steph dealt with her heart, where emotions take over and secret sins can easily be cherished in the dark, I asked how she actually made progress in that area. I was amazed at her course of action. “The first thing I did to defuse the situation was to go to my husband. God told me that if I wanted this consuming gravitational pull to lose power over me, I needed to get it out into the light…either expose it now or be exposed later when the damage is done.”
“What? You told Andy!?” I was mortified. “Weren’t you scared of his reaction? Didn’t he feel totally threatened and betrayed?”
“You know my husband. He’s pretty understanding and secure—he didn’t take it as a personal attack. Besides, he’s my life partner. I needed his prayers and accountability, and for him to know what I’m dealing with.”
“What did he say?”
“We sat down the first night and I told him the whole thing. And get this,” her relief was tangible, “the first thing out of his mouth was, ‘I think it’s a normal struggle under the circumstances.’ Then he went on to tell me that he’d be a total hypocrite to be mad at me, considering his own battles of the heart and mind.”
Without a doubt, Andy was one in a million. There weren’t many guys who could handle the truth like that, offering such extravagant grace.

High Stakes
It had now been a month since she’d come home, and my hopeful curiosity showed through. “So how are you fighting temptation to think about him now? What’s keeping you on the right path?”
Steph leaned forward intently. “Do you realize what’s at stake here? This man has a far-reaching worship ministry in a great church. If I was in any way responsible for bringing him down, many lives and budding faiths would be hurt or ruined. And think about the women I’m working with. How many of them have I counseled through this very thing? Even one little compromise in this area could destroy two people’s impacting ministries, not to mention the individuals who would be devastated in our personal lives. If I have any sincere love for the work God is doing through him, I should do whatever it takes to protect him, from me, if necessary. I should be praying for him to be strong for the sake of his ministry and the lives he’s touching through it.”

All that was powerful stuff, but Steph’s greatest revelation on the matter came after she finally surrendered this struggle completely to God. Her eyes grew warmer as she explained. “God and I had this long heart-to-heart, and He showed me something amazing. It was suddenly so clear that the person I was really attracted to was Jesus in this man, not the man. I realized all of the enchanting godly qualities this man exemplified, ones that women get weak in the knees over, were really glimpses of his Creator. But as soon as any boundary of impropriety is crossed, the Jesus part is lost, and the man becomes just another fallible, broken, sinful person without the qualities I was drawn to in the first place.”

I couldn’t help but think about how her husband, Andy, had been a stellar example of this kind of Jesus-beauty shining through. It was obvious that his unconditional grace and acceptance made him more attractive to her than ever through this experience. I realized most women would probably be better off telling a close friend or counselor, but I was inspired by Andy’s remarkable response just the same.

Jesus Side of Beauty
After talking to Stephanie, a godly woman with so much wisdom and spiritual discipline, I wondered how many Christian women out there are experiencing the same kinds of struggles, yet terrified to talk about them. I mean, who’s a woman going to tell that she’s obsessed with one of her church leaders? Who will help her figure out what to do about it? She risks incredible rejection and judgment. And if it’s a battle for someone like Steph with such a great guy at home, how much more tempting would that kind of man be for a woman who feels unloved in her marriage?

It’s all a great reminder to be ever vigilant around godly men, and to make sure I get the right elements of protection in place. Most of all to realize that, when I’m fascinated by earthly men, no matter how godly and wonderful, it’s actually the heart and beauty of their Creator that I’m drawn to. It’s the Jesus side of them I’m really in love with. There’s no man on this earth who will ever compare or captivate me continuously like the Man I’ll share eternity with.

Julie, a CBN Guest Columnist, is the author of The Perfect Fit...Piecing Together True Love and has written articles for other publications such as Marriage Partnership, Brio & Beyond, HomeLife, Discipleship Journal, and Revolve III Biblezine Project for teen girls (Thomas Nelson). To order the book or to find out more go to:

Sunday, July 29, 2007


$$$If them foundations be cracked down, wat can them righteous peeps do?$$$

Anutha rhetoric at S.A.G.E church!
The falcon done stopped listenning to da falcona. Them foundations falls apart. The midnite is blackest among the friends of Jesus-the church.
He sed, 'Amma builds ma church and dem gates of hades aint no gon prevail!!!'

But hades crosses his legs and puts em on the heads of His friends-the Church. Paradventure, this aint no church He was talk about.
Chocolate souljahz, from the corrupt seed of Gehazi... Somebody shout it to them from da grafitti wall on ya block,
" This aint no time to take gifts from the people we pray for!"
These gifts aint no gon bring blessing cos they is cursed, God aint mandated em fo sho. Y'all dig this. Like, this aint no time for sells, this is da time for souls y'all. Alas, we stumble in the oblivion of material hodge podge.

The rich man dont wanna forsake his riches for heaven.
' is ma god, wat is heaven??...'
Now listen to his answer.
' Heaven is marble flows, plasma screens, a posh car and phat bank account plus a lite skinned woman'.
That woman aint even yo wife dawg!
This richman wanna go to hell cruising in his BMW or Hummer. Eeeehe!!
This hommie is probably gon have a blast in hell caz gasoline there is free of charge. U jus have to be there. But the burns are first degree and aint no doctors and anaesthesia up in that piece.

If them foundations be cracked down, wat can them righteous people do?
There are men in christendom who knew to be abased and to live in abundance at the same time. Men who celebrated in need and celebrated in plenty.
In our need, we smite God, and on the extreme side, we forsake Him-go bak to hunting mice in wordly corridors.
He gat cattle on a thousand hills, He can take any army on a battle field aint no revelation to us like it was to Paul the Apostle.

These men walked with they heads in the skies but was never outta step with wat was happening in they times. They was of earthly gud too and they needed not alota money to be used of God.
Some say God aint Gonna use a poor man among the rich. It is the pop creed. And so we gotta rock million dollar suits as servants of God??? Nah men, the Holy ghost will still move whether am clad in sack cloth or baggies from Owino Market.

Men like Tozer prefered public transport on a yellow bus with they wives to cruising a Rollo! They didnt have no private jets but they was mightly used of God and they spiritual legacy lives on.

Today in Christendom, young men and women of God with Holyghost fire burning in they hearts are employed by rich men 'to serve God' and given alota money but some sections in they sermons are edited by they employers. Probably, this is why revival tarries!
Others fancy servin God caz they look at it as blueprint to money making and gal hunting!-but He who wants to serve me must carry his cross, deny hisself first and follow me or he aint worthy to follow. Thats da qualification-the cross!
Pastors ride Hummers, pimped with personalised number plates. If on ya first day on duty peeps put 80 dollars in the collection basket, U smite and probably go join a Unit Crew wea money is a thing. Bling!

Why do u think gud gals gets hooked by bad guys?
Why do Church gals lose they virginity to ghetto presidents?
Why do peeps lose they fire after getting jobs?
Why do peeps lose a passion for the Lord after they married?
Why are Pastors all over the nus?
Why dont this generation wanna serve God?
Why do them lil hommies( even in christendom) want 50 cent, Blu3, Bobi Wine, Ciara, Rihana, JayZ not Cross movement, Da Levite Clan,
DaT.R.U.T.H and many in the faith?
Why is ma Born Again home gal J bin charmed by a drunken dude since senior two?
Why is the church sooo losta than the lost heathen?
Why are Pastors collecting taxes?

Rhetorics. Huh?
The answer, citizens of both Christendom and worldlydom is in the foundations.
If them foundations be broken down, wat can them righteous peeps do??